2022 Republican Primary – Free State Colorado Analysis – Liberty Lessons
On June 28, 2022, Colorado held Primary Elections for both the Democratic and Republican Parties. Over one million of Colorado’s Registered Voters selected their preferred…
Interview: Lucas Baumgartner, Young Americans for Liberty Colorado State Chair
A new generation of liberty-minded individuals are stepping up to Fight for Freedom. One of the groups mobilizing this new generation is Young Americans for…
Eliminate the Colorado State Income Tax: Goal for the Colorado Liberty Movement
When Colorado becomes a Free State, every worker will be able to keep their whole paycheck. Coloradoans work hard for their money and they deserve…
Colorado Town Tyranny: These politicians want you defenseless in Boulder, Superior, Lafayette, & Louisville
Colorado’s Authoritarian Political Class has a bold plan: Disarm the public. Local politicians are jumping at the chance to infringe on their citizen’s Right to…
Michael Bennet’s Authoritarian Record in the US Senate is a Disgrace for Colorado
Michael Bennet is in trouble. After 13 years of pandering to the establishment, voters are catching on. Many Coloradoans don’t know much about this US…
Colorado’s Republican Establishment Must Embrace Election Integrity or Face Irrelevancy
Colorado’s Republican Party is in danger of further alienating their base. In an attempt to appeal to unaffiliated voters, the Republican Establishment is seemingly at…
The Worst Colorado Democrats on Legal Cannabis
Some people might be surprised to learn that Colorado Democrats are no friend of legal cannabis. But, it isn’t surprising for cannabis activists who witnessed…
CORA Request Reveals Colorado House GOP Leadership’s Fundraising “Could be Viewed as a Breach of the Public’s Trust”
EXCLUSIVE: CORA request reveals concerns that Colorado State Representative Hugh McKean’s Restore Colorado Leadership Fund may have violated Amendment 41, Colorado’s “constitutional gift ban.” To…
Colorado’s Two US Senators Vote in SUPPORT of Biden’s Vaccine Mandate!
Call-to-action at the bottom of the post On December 8th, Colorado Senators Michael Bennet, and John Hickenlooper voted against S.J.Res.29 to Nullify Joe Biden’s Employer…
Colorado Democrats Want to Steal More of Your Money: TABOR Under Threat!
Taxation is Theft! You work hard for your money. You work so that your family can have a good life, free from worry. And yet,…
Three Colorado Congressmen Vote to Fund VACCINE DATABASE to Track Americans!
On November 30th, 2021 Congress voted to pass H.R. 550 Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021. The bill provides $400 million to build a nationwide…
Boycott Restaurants Requiring Injections! Leave a Review, Protest, Divest!
Discrimination must be opposed. Vaccine Passports must be stopped. Now is the time to stand up, speak out, and make your voice heard. The good…
2022 Will Be The Year That Colorado Takes Freedom Back!
The Natural Rights of Coloradoans have been violated by an out-of-control political class. From shutting down our businesses, to attacks on religious liberty, Colorado’s politicians…
Jefferson County: Action Needed to STOP Vaccine Passports!
This coming Monday, November 22nd, there will be a Special Public Health Board Meeting of Jefferson County Public Health. R. Dawn Comstock, the Executive Director…
Fighting Back: Larimer Legislators call for Tom Gonzales to be FIRED! CALL & EMAIL NOW!
11/4/2021 CLICK FOR UPDATE: Larimer County Democrats Announce SUPPORT for Tom Gonzales Tyranny! Larimer County: Stand Tall & Speak Out! Last week, Larimer County Public…
Larimer County Officials CAUGHT Targeting Citizens Who Disagree With COVID Mandates!
(Image Left-to-Right: Tom Gonzales, Jody Shadduck-McNally, Kristin Stephens, Linda Hoffman, John Kefalas) 11/2/2021 UPDATE: Larimer Legislators call for Tom Gonzales to be FIRED! CALL &…
Interview: Hannah Goodman, Libertarian Party of Colorado Vice Chair – The War on Rural Colorado & More
Denver Politicians are holding rural Colorado hostage. From attacking Oil and Gas, to attempting to shut down Colorado’s meat industry, Denver Politicians use their majority…
Boycott Venues Requiring Injections! Leave a Review, Protest, Divest!
Tyranny must be opposed. Vaccine Passports must be stopped. This is the time to stand up, speak out, and make your voice heard. Right now,…
What’s On Your Ballot? Natalie Menten Explains Colorado’s 2021 Ballot Initiatives
It’s election time! The 2021 Colorado Statewide Ballot has three ballot measures that will have big consequences for Colorado’s government. Natalie Menten joins Free State…
Congressmen Want to BAN Unvaccinated Americans from Flying! Contact your Congressman!
On August 6th 2020, House Resolution 4980 was introduced in Congress. H.R. 4980‘s title reads: To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to ensure that…
The NO FORCED INJECTIONS – NO VACCINE MANDATES! Petition has been online for nearly two weeks. So far we have 647 signatures from all across…
OSHA Employees: Resign or Become Enemies of Free Americans!
If you work for OSHA, you have a choice. You can either be an American Hero. Or you can be an Agent of Authoritarianism. I…
Help Me Find Out: Do Colorado Politicians Support or Oppose Biden’s Vaccine Orders?
Colorado Politicians need to Oppose Biden’s Vaccine Orders. Freedom is under attack, and Colorado’s Elected Representatives MUST stand up for the rights of the people….
Fellow Coloradoan, My name is Brandon Wark, and I’m a Colorado native who believes in liberty, free markets, and the right of each person to…
Reject Colorado’s Digital ID! Say NO to Vaccine Passports!
The State of Colorado has a taxpayer-funded Vaccine Passport. Developed with taxpayer dollars, Colorado’s Digital ID began as a pilot program in 2017 with the…
Guest Post: The Blueprint 2.0 by Sarah Harrison & Karl Honegger
Free State Colorado is proud to post this very interesting article by Sarah Harrison and Karl Honegger. Check out the biographies for Karl and Sarah…
Virus Madness in Colorado! Weekly Roundup August 16th, 2021
Well Hello Free People of the Rocky Mountain Region! The Weekly Roundup is a collection of links that might be of interest for liberty-minded individuals….
Podcast Interview: Brandon from Free State Colorado on Mentally Unscripted
On August 4th, 2021 Brandon from Free State Colorado was interviewed on the Mentally Unscripted Podcast: The Mentally Unscripted Podcast Are you tired of the…
US Election Integrity Plan – Interview with Holly at Altitude
Was the election of 2020 stolen? Was Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold involved? These questions and more are what the US Election Integrity Plan…
Weekly Roundup: August 7th, 2021
Howdy Free People of the Rocky Mountain Region! The Weekly Roundup is a collection of links that might be of interest for liberty-minded individuals. You…
Ban Red Light Cameras: Goal for the Colorado Liberty Movement
How can Colorado become a Free State? There are many paths, including building community, creating businesses, raising children, and developing technology to counter the State….
Video Presentation: 2021 Colorado Legislature in Review
This is a new recording of the presentation given at Liberty on the Rocks in June of 2021. The Colorado Legislature went overboard attacking our…
Westminster Water Warriors Interview – Recall Election Explained!
The Water Warrior’s efforts have lead to a Recall Election in the City of Westminster with ballots that have just been sent out to voters, with the election taking place on July 20th.
The Mises Caucus Takeover Explained: Funkhowzer Interview
One of this year’s biggest political stories is the shakeup in the Libertarian Party of Colorado. It happened at the Colorado Libertarian Party’s annual convention,…
2021 Colorado Legislative Review: Liberty on the Rocks Denver, June 16th 2021 Presentation
On June 16th, 2021 at Liberty on the Rocks Denver, Free State Colorado founder Brandon Wark presented a recap on the 2021 Colorado Legislative Session.
Happy Summer Solstice! Recognize Nature’s Calendar – The Free Life
Today is the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year! Astronomically, it is considered the start of summer, others consider it Midsummer, the mid-point…
Colorado Liberty Group Directory – The Free Life
“Find the Others.” Not only is life better when your journey is shared with others, but in terms of survival, groups are often more successful…
LP Convention Seminar – How to Win: A Look at Colorado’s Political Landscape
Notes for the Free State Colorado Seminar from Brandon Wark at the 2021 Libertarian Party (LP) Convention: Introduction – Who am I? And Why Should…
Colorado Democrats SUPPORT Vaccine Passports!
On Wednesday May 12th, 2021, Colorado Democrats in the State Legislature showed their support for Vaccine Passports when they voted down HB21-1191. House Bill 1191,…
Better Go! Get Out of Denver if You Desire Freedom!
Denver is Colorado’s most authoritarian city. From restrictions on Self-Defense, to Control over Rental Properties, the Denver City Council is against freedom, private property, and…
Clown of the Month: Jennifer Ho, Professor at Colorado University
Institutional Racism is alive and well at the University of Colorado Boulder (CU). CU Professor Jennifer Ho has been proudly disseminating a hateful and divisive…
Free State Colorado Telegram Channel: Colorado News, Libertarian Articles, Memes and More – Updated Daily!
Good day Free People of the Rocky Mountain Region! If you are looking for Colorado news stories, libertarian essays, memes, and videos, you should check…
Another Look at Colorado Covid Stats & Facts
Good day friends! It’s been a year since FreeStateColorado.com went online. Over the past year, we have experienced an unprecedented attack on our civil liberties,…
Meme Monday! April 5th, 2021
Good day Free Coloradoans! These are some memes I made, and some others I found online. I hope you enjoy! You can always find the…
Colorado Politicians EXPLOIT Boulder Tragedy, Call for Gun Bans & Registration!
Less than 24-hours after the horrific tragedy in Boulder, Colorado’s Authoritarian Political Class began pushing their extreme agenda. Let’s take a look at those in…
Weekly Roundup – Events and Articles for Free Coloradoans! 3/24/2021
Howdy Free People of the Rocky Mountain Region! The Weekly Roundup is a collection of links that might be of interest for liberty-minded individuals. It’s…
Happy Spring Equinox – Nature’s Calendar – The Free Life
There is nothing quite like Springtime in the Rockies! The snow is falling, and melting just as quickly. The birds are singing, and the plants…
Colorado Democrats Support Gun Control, Deny Your Right to to Keep and Bear Arms!
In both the State Legislature and Congress, Colorado Democrats are supporting restrictions on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. In Congress, the following is…
Ouray Owl Recommends: “The Monopoly on Violence”
The snow is finally falling in the metro area my friends! Colorado usually gets the most snow every year in March, and this year it…
Denver Post’s Bias Exposed! C.C.C.P Report Vol. 2
Welcome to the second edition of Comrade Charlie’s Colorado Propaganda Report! (or CCCP Report for short) Comrade Charlie, a former authoritarian propagandist, is going to point out…
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