Fellow Coloradoan,

My name is Brandon Wark, and I’m a Colorado native who believes in liberty, free markets, and the right of each person to make their own decisions in life.

(if you want to know more about me, listen to this recent podcast where I was a guest)

I started Free State Colorado over a year ago to speak out against the growing tyranny our politicians have forced upon us.

Now, with the recent threats made by the Biden Administration, I’m asking that you help me.

Please join me in signing a petition to all of our elected Representatives to tell them, “No Forced Injections, No Vaccine Mandates.”

As soon as I get an amount of signatures large enough to make an impact, I will send these petitions to your elected representatives at the municipal, county, and state level.

If enough of us speak out, it will make an impact.

I’m not asking for money.

I’m doing this because I’m NOT getting injected, no matter the threats or the bribes.

And if we stand together, we can more effectively push back against this tyranny.

Please sign the petition below:

No Forced Injections, No Vaccine Mandates Petition

On September 9th, Joe Biden did the unthinkable.

He threatened millions of Americans with losing their jobs if they don’t get injected with drugs.

This assault on the dignity of America MUST be resisted.

To my elected Representatives:

Whereas: Every individual has the right to decide what to put into their body, and;

Whereas: No one, including an elected politician or government employee has the right to force someone to take drugs against their will, and;

Whereas: Americans are Free People who reject the idea of being threatened by politicians who are elected to SERVE the people.

Therefore: I ask you to do everything in your power to STOP Joe Biden’s plan to fine businesses and coerce individuals into getting injected against their will.


Thank you for signing the petition!

I encourage you to share this with your family and friends.

There are a growing number of Coloradoans who are speaking out against the vaccine mandates.

Please leave me a comment below if you have any comments or questions. Thank you!

Author: Brandon Wark

Colorado Native, world traveler. Political operative and blogger in defense of liberty. Believer in the value of human life and the potential for consciousness. My posts are my opinion - protected by the First Amendment

8 thoughts on “Sign the Petition: NO FORCED INJECTIONS – NO VACCINE MANDATES!

  1. Thank you!! Can you please add UNMASK our children as well? Thank you for your hard work fighting the good fight! 🙂

  2. My passport is red white and blue it’s called: The United States Constitution
    No other is needed. Tell Polis to go back to where he came from.

  3. This mandate is unethical and is in violation of the constitution! I don’t see how Dctator Dipsh*t is even able to push this! My patience is wearing thin! God bless you for helping and God bless Colorado and the United States of America!

  4. I can’t even believe this is even a conversation let alone a mandate? Who does dictator Joe think he is? He already ignores the SCOTUS! Think it’s time for Govt. to start doing the will of the people vs push mandated vaccines. My body my choice! Period! 2022 just around the corner so I wouldn’t push this unless you’re just trying to get fired! Not to mention the hordes of illegals pouring across our borders unvaccinated!!! Unbelievable!!!! If anything else vaccinate them!!!

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