Category: Tyranny
Fighting Back: Larimer Legislators call for Tom Gonzales to be FIRED! CALL & EMAIL NOW!
11/4/2021 CLICK FOR UPDATE: Larimer County Democrats Announce SUPPORT for Tom Gonzales Tyranny! Larimer County: Stand Tall & Speak Out! Last week, Larimer County Public…
Larimer County Officials CAUGHT Targeting Citizens Who Disagree With COVID Mandates!
(Image Left-to-Right: Tom Gonzales, Jody Shadduck-McNally, Kristin Stephens, Linda Hoffman, John Kefalas) 11/2/2021 UPDATE: Larimer Legislators call for Tom Gonzales to be FIRED! CALL &…
Boycott Venues Requiring Injections! Leave a Review, Protest, Divest!
Tyranny must be opposed. Vaccine Passports must be stopped. This is the time to stand up, speak out, and make your voice heard. Right now,…
Congressmen Want to BAN Unvaccinated Americans from Flying! Contact your Congressman!
On August 6th 2020, House Resolution 4980 was introduced in Congress. H.R. 4980‘s title reads: To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to ensure that…
The NO FORCED INJECTIONS – NO VACCINE MANDATES! Petition has been online for nearly two weeks. So far we have 647 signatures from all across…
OSHA Employees: Resign or Become Enemies of Free Americans!
If you work for OSHA, you have a choice. You can either be an American Hero. Or you can be an Agent of Authoritarianism. I…
Fellow Coloradoan, My name is Brandon Wark, and I’m a Colorado native who believes in liberty, free markets, and the right of each person to…
Reject Colorado’s Digital ID! Say NO to Vaccine Passports!
The State of Colorado has a taxpayer-funded Vaccine Passport. Developed with taxpayer dollars, Colorado’s Digital ID began as a pilot program in 2017 with the…
Guest Post: The Blueprint 2.0 by Sarah Harrison & Karl Honegger
Free State Colorado is proud to post this very interesting article by Sarah Harrison and Karl Honegger. Check out the biographies for Karl and Sarah…
Video Presentation: 2021 Colorado Legislature in Review
This is a new recording of the presentation given at Liberty on the Rocks in June of 2021. The Colorado Legislature went overboard attacking our…
Westminster Water Warriors Interview – Recall Election Explained!
The Water Warrior’s efforts have lead to a Recall Election in the City of Westminster with ballots that have just been sent out to voters, with the election taking place on July 20th.
2021 Colorado Legislative Review: Liberty on the Rocks Denver, June 16th 2021 Presentation
On June 16th, 2021 at Liberty on the Rocks Denver, Free State Colorado founder Brandon Wark presented a recap on the 2021 Colorado Legislative Session.
LP Convention Seminar – How to Win: A Look at Colorado’s Political Landscape
Notes for the Free State Colorado Seminar from Brandon Wark at the 2021 Libertarian Party (LP) Convention: Introduction – Who am I? And Why Should…
Colorado Democrats SUPPORT Vaccine Passports!
On Wednesday May 12th, 2021, Colorado Democrats in the State Legislature showed their support for Vaccine Passports when they voted down HB21-1191. House Bill 1191,…
Better Go! Get Out of Denver if You Desire Freedom!
Denver is Colorado’s most authoritarian city. From restrictions on Self-Defense, to Control over Rental Properties, the Denver City Council is against freedom, private property, and…
Clown of the Month: Jennifer Ho, Professor at Colorado University
Institutional Racism is alive and well at the University of Colorado Boulder (CU). CU Professor Jennifer Ho has been proudly disseminating a hateful and divisive…
Another Look at Colorado Covid Stats & Facts
Good day friends! It’s been a year since went online. Over the past year, we have experienced an unprecedented attack on our civil liberties,…
Colorado Politicians EXPLOIT Boulder Tragedy, Call for Gun Bans & Registration!
Less than 24-hours after the horrific tragedy in Boulder, Colorado’s Authoritarian Political Class began pushing their extreme agenda. Let’s take a look at those in…
Colorado Democrats Support Gun Control, Deny Your Right to to Keep and Bear Arms!
In both the State Legislature and Congress, Colorado Democrats are supporting restrictions on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. In Congress, the following is…
Denver Post’s Bias Exposed! C.C.C.P Report Vol. 2
Welcome to the second edition of Comrade Charlie’s Colorado Propaganda Report! (or CCCP Report for short) Comrade Charlie, a former authoritarian propagandist, is going to point out…
Tell Colorado’s Congressmen, “Support the Repeal of the Patriot Act!” – Liberty Activism
Colorado’s seven Congressmen, and two Senators have an opportunity to stand up for liberty, and reverse one of the worst pieces of legislation of our…
A Libertarian Review of Colorado’s 2020 General Election Part 1: Ballot Initiatives
Colorado voters delivered a mixed bag of results on this year’s ballot with Democrats and Republicans both having wins and loses, and libertarian activists have…
Prop. 117 with TABOR Committee Chairman Penn Pfiffner – Interview
Colorado voters have much to consider on the November ballot. Proposition 117, while not as glamorous a topic as wolf reintroduction, criminalizing vaping sales, or…
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners – Interview with Taylor Rhodes
Colorado’s Second Amendment advocacy group, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (RMGO) has been leading the charge in defense of Coloradoans gun rights. And with over 630,000…
A Libertarian Guide to Colorado’s 2020 Ballot Initiatives
Colorado Voters have many decisions to make on this November’s Ballot. In addition to the President, US Senate, State Legislature, and other races, a variety…
Who are the George Soros Candidates in Colorado?
Coloradoans are seeing millions of dollars in campaign spending ahead of November’s general election. Inundated with 30-second television ads, mailers, and internet ads, it is…
Prop. EE Will Criminalize Un-Taxed Vape Sales & Outlaw Low-Priced Tobacco
In a year where police violence is the reason for massive protests across Colorado, this message seems to be lost on all the Legislators who support Prop. EE
Clown of the Week – Rep. Dylan Roberts Brags of Social Engineering Schemes
Colorado State Representative Dylan Roberts (D-Eagle, Vail, Steamboat, House District 26) recently sang his own praises in an article in the Steamboat Pilot and Today….
C.C.C.P. Report – Westword’s Bias Exposed
Welcome to the premiere edition of Comrade Charlie’s Colorado Propaganda Report! (or CCCP for short) Comrade Charlie, a former authoritarian propagandist, is going to point…
Heroic Bandimere Speedway Declares Independence from Jefferson County Tyranny and Needs Your Help!
UPDATE: Donate to the Bandimere GoFundMe: Bandimere Speedway God and Country Defense Fund On July 4th, 2020, the family who owns and operates the iconic…
Podcast – Dave Palm on the Arvada Recalls
I had a very fun and interesting conversation with Dave Palm, regarding the ongoing Arvada Recalls. Dave Palm is a 4th-generation Coloradoan, and a proud…
If Elected, Hickenlooper will Vote to BAN Private Gun Sales Nationwide
Nearly $3,000,000 has been spent by one anti-gun group to ensure US Senate Candidate John Hickenlooper wins in November. On March 20th, 2013, Colorado Governor…
The Continuing Threat Against Legal Cannabis in Colorado
Limits to THC Potency advocated by anti-cannabis advocates Colorado is a world leader in Cannabis legalization, and now the industry finds itself under a renewed…
Heroes Emerge To Resist Gov. Polis’ Tyranny as Violence Breaks Out in Denver
Authoritarian-in-chief Jared Polis, and his statist-allies in the mainstream media are pushing hard to take your liberty away. This year, liberty-loving Coloradans have seen their…
Colorado Republicans and Democrats ATTACK Legal Tobacco, and the Rights of 18-to-20-year-olds
Republicans Colin Larson and Kevin Priola joined Democrats Jeff Bridges and Kyle Mullica to sponsor anti-tobacco legislation in 2020. The first bill of any year’s…
With Control of Colorado Legislature, Democrats Have Failed to Pass Criminal Justice Reform, Even Killing a Police Transparency Bill in March 2020
Colorado’s Ruling Party is in trouble, and they can’t blame Republicans. As protesters deface the State Capitol building in Denver, Colorado Democrats in the Legislature…
Listening to the Gov’t is a BAD IDEA! (unless you want to destroy the economy, and ruin your health)
“Wear a mask!” “Don’t go to work!” “You are safer at home!” “Don’t get close to anyone!” If you have been unfortunate enough to watch…
Podcast: Brandon Wark & Joe Neville Rearden Strategic: Episode 3
This week, Joe and Brandon discuss the Colorado Government’s destruction of the economy, the lies of the misrepresentations of the Polis administration, the local political…
Colorado Covid Stats Not Widely Publicized
The out-of-control government response to the lackluster “pandemic,” has upended Colorado, created huge unemployment numbers, and an economic disaster. The media, and their echo chamber…
Podcast: Brandon Wark & Joe Neville Rearden Strategic Episode 2
Brandon Wark and Joe Neville discuss issues facing our great State of Colorado. The discussion includes Covid, the local political scene, unnecessary regulations, civil disobedience,…
Colorado’s Democratic Political Establishment Afraid of 3rd Party Presidential Candidate
In not so surprising news, Authoritarian political puppets associated with and ProgressNow Colorado show their fear of a strong third-party Presidential candidate. So much…
Can cops force you to wear a mask?
Denver threatens businesses and individuals who don’t wear a mask with $1,000 fines. From 9News: How is this Constitutional? Does this not violate your rights…
Clown of the Week: Jeffco Public Health Director Lives in Boulder?!
I grew up in Jefferson County, and it is truly one of the best areas near Denver to live… until recently. Part of the problem…
Two Colorado Congressmen Voted “NO” on $2 Trillion Stimulus Bill
Only two, out of Colorado’s seven Congressmen voted, “NO” on the largest spending bill in history, the 2.2 Trillion Dollar CARES Act. Representatives Ken Buck…
Protests Coming to Denver “End Stay-at-Home” Order!
This Sunday, April 19th, protests are planned at the State Capitol in Denver. The protesters are demanding Jared Polis end his “Stay-at-Home” Executive Order. (LINK)…
LP Launches Petition to Jared Polis: End Stay at Home Order
The Libertarian Party of Colorado has launched a petition to the Governor of Colorado, Jared Polis. The message is loud and clear: END THE STAY…
“Stay-home” Order Reveals Governor Polis’ Authoritarianism
“On March 25th, 2020, Governor of Colorado, Jared Polis issues Executive Order D 2020-017, which directs all Coloradans to stay at home, subject to limited…
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