Heroes Emerge To Resist Gov. Polis’ Tyranny as Violence Breaks Out in Denver


Authoritarian-in-chief Jared Polis, and his statist-allies in the mainstream media are pushing hard to take your liberty away.

This year, liberty-loving Coloradans have seen their rights infringed by tyrant Jared Polis, and his lackeys in the State Legislature.

Governor Polis’ tyranny reached a new level recently when he issued a horrendous statewide mandatory mask order.

The GOP-minority in the State Government attempted to fight back against the Democratic-majority, but were unsuccessful.

The attack on rights of Coloradans escalated to violent attack on speakers during Sunday’s “Back the Blue” rally in Denver:

Michelle Malkin, a Colorado resident was one of the speakers during Sunday’s rally

Leading the resistance to the tyranny in the State Capitol is House Minority Leader Representative Patrick Neville (R-45 Douglas).

Rep. Neville, just days ago, announced his intention to sue Gov. Jared Polis over the Statewide Mask Mandate.

Neville has tens of thousands of Coloradans who are dissatisfied with Jared Polis to call upon.

A recently started Change.org petition has so far generated over 42,000 signatures calling for an end to Polis’ emergency powers.

Screen capture from 7/20/20 9:30 PM Mountain Time

Neville isn’t alone in leading the fight against the tyranny of Jared Polis.

Victoria Reynolds, the Chairman of the Colorado Libertarian Party has been organizing protests in Denver, and Douglas County against the Stay-at-Home Order.

Liberty Lovers and Freedom Seekers across Colorado have few leaders to look to, but more people are standing up everyday.

Related: Listen to Michelle Malkin describe the assault at Sunday’s rally in Denver

Related: Listen to Patrick Neville on KOA discuss his plans to sue Governor Polis over the mask order.

Any thoughts? Leave a comment!

Author: Brandon Wark

Colorado Native, world traveler. Political operative and blogger in defense of liberty. Believer in the value of human life and the potential for consciousness. My posts are my opinion - protected by the First Amendment