Colorado’s Democratic Political Establishment Afraid of 3rd Party Presidential Candidate

Carrying campaign

In not so surprising news, Authoritarian political puppets associated with and ProgressNow Colorado show their fear of a strong third-party Presidential candidate.

So much for freedom of choice…

At the 59-minute mark of their podcast (could they have picked less annoying music?), both Ian Silverii and Jason Bane agree that this November’s Presidential election is a “binary choice.” (Let’s hope that doesn’t trigger anyone!)

They even go so far as to claim that you should vote for “either Biden or Trump, that’s it.” (source)

How out of touch are these clowns?

Just to be clear, Colorado’s Democratic establishment would prefer you VOTE FOR TRUMP than for a third-party candidate!

If you don’t know who Ian Silverii is, he helps run ProgressNow Colorado and (Rumors are that Silverii doesn’t do as much of the heavy lifting anymore).

Ian “Binary Choice” Silverii

Silverii is also ‘married’ to State Senator Brittney Petterson. (Why in quotes? Well… that’s a rumor for another day…)

ProgressNow Colorado is an umbrella organization used by the Democratic establishment to push an authoritarian agenda that resembles something between Soviet-style redistribution schemes, and Kindergarten-level critical thinking.

Their latest claim to fame is… drum roll please… calling supporters of “re-opening Colorado,” terrorists!

Wow! Because someone who wants to work, feed their family, and exercise their rights is the equivalent of a violent criminal! Sure… that makes sense…

“Just do what the gov’t tells you to do, and you’ll be alright…” Yeah right, we saw how well that worked out for the natives…

Hey Silverii and Bane, this is for you:

Author: Brandon Wark

Colorado Native, world traveler. Political operative and blogger in defense of liberty. Believer in the value of human life and the potential for consciousness. My posts are my opinion - protected by the First Amendment