Category: Tyranny
They Knew! While Venezuelan Gangs Terrorized Aurora & the Denver Metro, Government Officials Who Knew Remained Silent!
The people of Aurora, the Denver Metro Area, and throughout Colorado have suffered from violent criminals who have hurt people and violated property rights. I’m…
Why are Young Coloradans Joining the Republican Party?
The Republican Party is seeing an influx of young Coloradans rising in their ranks. Ryan Gonzalez, who won his election for State House District 50…
Pueblo, Say NO to the Food Tax! Call your City Council & Mayor to Tell them “NO Taxes on Food!”
The Pueblo City Government wants more of your tax money! They want to add a tax to EVERY food purchase in the city to bring…
Why does Colorado’s News Media Lean Left? Cory Gaines, political writer, explains!
It might be obvious to you, but many Coloradans aren’t aware of the bias in our local news media. Sometimes, the bias can be obvious….
Can Denver Avoid a Doom Loop? Crime, Homelessness, Affordability & an Anti-Business City Council are leading Denver to it’s Demise!
It’s not surprising that Denver is struggling with a variety of problems. Businesses and families are leaving the city due to the lack of affordability,…
Governor Polis Blames Ranchers for Wolf Reintroduction Cost!
The Wolf Reintroduction Program has been a disaster. The cost to taxpayers is double what voters were told it would be when it was approved…
Illegal Eggs in Colorado? The Colorado Ban on “Caged” Eggs Starts in January 2025!
Colorado Politicians use their power to restrict our choices as consumers. This includes their attempt to outlaw the sale of eggs from most caged chickens,…
Jared Polis for President? Jared’s Playing Political Games to Position Himself for 2028!
Jared Polis has ambition. From Congress to the Governor’s Office Jared has always thought about his next step. And in two years, he will be…
Natalie Menten reveals: Jefferson County Awarded COVID Contract to Politically Connected Consultants
Made public for the first time: In 2021, Jefferson County Public Health contracted with politically-connected consultants. This consulting contract was apparently signed without the proper…
These Colorado Congressmen Voted For the Tik Tok Ban, Attempt to Exert Control Over Social Media
Social Media censorship has been a major issue over the past decade. Twitter, Google and Facebook used their platforms to influence elections, censor dissenting voices…
Interview: Rep. Brandi Bradley, Democrats Killed Her Bill to Punish Child Predators?!
It’s hard to believe, but Colorado Democrats stopped a bill to create mandatory jail time for criminals convicted of engaging in child prostitution. Rep. Brandi…
Property Tax Bills Come Due! With Guest Natalie Menten
Colorado property owners are in for a shock when they open their bills. Taxes are increasing anywhere from 25% to 87% across the state! Unfortunately,…
Special Session Recap: How Bad Was it?
The 2023 Special Session is over! 4 days and $96,000 later, Colorado’s Legislature has adjourned until January. The primary purpose of the Session was to…
Democrats Turn Their Back on “Social Justice” with Attack on Gun Rights
Colorado Democrats in the State Legislature claim they champion the rights of the disadvantaged. These politicians want voters to think they stand up for historically…
Three Years Later: Reflections on Colorado’s Covid Response
Three years after the March 2020 shutdowns, the legacy of Covid-era policies are still haunting Colorado. History will show the Covid policies pushed by the…
2022 Election in Review Part 3: State House
This is Part 3 in a series reviewing the 2022 Colorado General Election The State Legislature has a bigger impact over your life than the…
How to Testify at the State Capitol
Colorado’s Legislators meet for 120 days every year. These few months are the only time when bills are passed into law at the state-level. Your…
Interview: An Honest Conversation on Colorado Politics with Former Rep. Dave Williams
Politics is complicated. Politicians tell you what you want to hear, and the media pushes talking points that serve an agenda. Without knowing who to…
2022 Election in Review Part 2: State Senate
This is Part 2 in a series reviewing the 2022 Colorado General Election Colorado Democrats gained seats in the 2022 election. Many Liberty-minded Coloradoans were…
Interview: Taylor Rhodes, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners on the 2023 Assault Weapons Bill
Colorado gun owners are under attack. The Democratic majority in the State Legislature is launching an all out assault on our God-given right to keep…
BUSTED: These Colorado Democrats Publicly OPPOSED the Natural Medicine Ballot Measure
In November 2022, Colorado voters passed Proposition 122, the Natural Medicine Health Act (NHMA). This revolutionary ballot measure will create a regulated market for medical…
2022 Election in Review: Ballot Initiatives – Part 1
This is Part 1 in a series reviewing the 2022 Colorado General Election Colorado’s 2022 election saw interesting results. Decriminalized psychedelics, wine in grocery stores,…
Interview: Theresa Watson, Boulder County GOP Chair, on her Complaint Against Democratic Rep. Tracey Bernett
Three felonies, and two misdemeanors were charged against Democratic State Representative Tracey Bernett. What happened? Rep. Bernett is accused of lying about her residence in…
Natalie Explains: TABOR Keeps Gov’t Trim & Jeffco 1A is Worse Than You Think!
Natalie Menten is one of Colorado’s hardest working Liberty Leaders. Her valuable experience provides many lessons for Liberty Activists. Here, she talks about the Taxpayer…
BREAKING: Charges Filed Against Rep. Tracey Bernett! Democrat Accused of LYING about Residency for Re-election!
On Friday, November 4th, District Attorney Michael T. Dougherty’s office filed charges against State Representative Tracey Bernett for: Attempt to Influence a Public Servant (Class…
Complaint Reveals Compelling Evidence that Tracey Bernett does NOT live in her District!
Has State Representative Tracey Bernett violated Colorado law? Is she lying to her voters by pretending to live in a different town? Bernett is facing…
Interview: Natalie Menten explains the 2022 Ballot – Jefferson County & Propositions 123 & GG
The 2022 Ballot has a variety of State and local initiatives for Colorado voters to consider this year. As usual, State and County officials are…
A Libertarian Guide to Colorado’s 2022 Ballot Initiatives
How will Colorado vote this year? The Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Treasurer, a US Senator, eight Congressmen, sixty five State Representatives, seventeen State…
Honegger: Kevin Priola needs to go, but not because of Drug Decriminalization!
Colorado voters are rightfully worried about record-breaking crime. Criminals, both inside and outside of government are violating the property & civil rights of the people….
Jena Griswold has Betrayed the Trust of Colorado Voters
Colorado voters have suffered under Jena Griswold’s tenure as Secretary of State. The legitimate interests of Colorado voters seem to take second place to Griswold’s…
Brittany Pettersen: The Authoritarian Political Establishment’s Pick for Congress
Continuing Series on Colorado’s 2022 November General Election: Colorado’s Congressional District 7 seat is up for grabs since long-time Congressman Ed Perlmutter announced he is…
Interview: Brian Peotter, 2022 US Senate Candidate, Libertarian Party of Colorado
The race for Colorado’s US Senate seat is one of the hottest in the country. With the balance of the US Senate at stake, Democrats…
Guest Post: No on Denver Recycling 306 by Karl Honegger
It’s election season. Which means Colorado voters have big decisions to make on their 2022 ballot. Municipal elections, and ballot measures are often overlooked by…
Interview: Aron Lam, Candidate for Mayor of Keenesburg, Libertarian Party of Colorado
Rural Colorado is a special place to live. The open skies, acres of cattle, and miles agriculture provide a desirable location for anyone who wants…
Jared Polis: The Most Destructive Politician in Colorado History
It’s no surprise that politicians lie, cheat, and steal. But it is surprising when rational people believe the lies of politicians. For example, Jared Polis…
Interview: Natural Medicine Colorado: Proposition 122 – Kevin Matthews & Veronica Lightning Horse Perez
Colorado’s 2022 November election is poised to be historic. Voters will have an opportunity to vote on candidates and ballot initiatives that would fundamentally change…
Interview: Jacob Luria, House District 27 Candidate, Libertarian Party of Colorado
The Colorado State Legislature needs a shake-up! Thankfully, Colorado voters have real choices this November. If you are fed up with the terrible two parties,…
Final Primary Data: Unaffiliated Voters Went 60% for GOP Candidates, Were 37% of Total GOP Count – Plus: DC Democrats Spent Big
Since the June 2022 Primary Election, Colorado’s Political Observers have been wondering how much of an impact Unaffiliated Voters had in determining the winners for…
Interview: Robert Ballard, Mesa County Clerk & Recorder Candidate, Libertarian Party of Colorado
Mesa County’s Clerk and Recorder’s office has been embroiled in controversy over the past two years, losing trust from voters in the county, and across…
2022 Republican Primary – Free State Colorado Analysis – Liberty Lessons
On June 28, 2022, Colorado held Primary Elections for both the Democratic and Republican Parties. Over one million of Colorado’s Registered Voters selected their preferred…
Colorado Town Tyranny: These politicians want you defenseless in Boulder, Superior, Lafayette, & Louisville
Colorado’s Authoritarian Political Class has a bold plan: Disarm the public. Local politicians are jumping at the chance to infringe on their citizen’s Right to…
Michael Bennet’s Authoritarian Record in the US Senate is a Disgrace for Colorado
Michael Bennet is in trouble. After 13 years of pandering to the establishment, voters are catching on. Many Coloradoans don’t know much about this US…
Colorado’s Republican Establishment Must Embrace Election Integrity or Face Irrelevancy
Colorado’s Republican Party is in danger of further alienating their base. In an attempt to appeal to unaffiliated voters, the Republican Establishment is seemingly at…
The Worst Colorado Democrats on Legal Cannabis
Some people might be surprised to learn that Colorado Democrats are no friend of legal cannabis. But, it isn’t surprising for cannabis activists who witnessed…
CORA Request Reveals Colorado House GOP Leadership’s Fundraising “Could be Viewed as a Breach of the Public’s Trust”
EXCLUSIVE: CORA request reveals concerns that Colorado State Representative Hugh McKean’s Restore Colorado Leadership Fund may have violated Amendment 41, Colorado’s “constitutional gift ban.” To…
Colorado’s Two US Senators Vote in SUPPORT of Biden’s Vaccine Mandate!
Call-to-action at the bottom of the post On December 8th, Colorado Senators Michael Bennet, and John Hickenlooper voted against S.J.Res.29 to Nullify Joe Biden’s Employer…
Colorado Democrats Want to Steal More of Your Money: TABOR Under Threat!
Taxation is Theft! You work hard for your money. You work so that your family can have a good life, free from worry. And yet,…
Three Colorado Congressmen Vote to Fund VACCINE DATABASE to Track Americans!
On November 30th, 2021 Congress voted to pass H.R. 550 Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021. The bill provides $400 million to build a nationwide…
2022 Will Be The Year That Colorado Takes Freedom Back!
The Natural Rights of Coloradoans have been violated by an out-of-control political class. From shutting down our businesses, to attacks on religious liberty, Colorado’s politicians…
Jefferson County: Action Needed to STOP Vaccine Passports!
This coming Monday, November 22nd, there will be a Special Public Health Board Meeting of Jefferson County Public Health. R. Dawn Comstock, the Executive Director…
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