Author: Brandon Wark
Happening Today: Bastiat Society of Colorado Springs Virtual Event
Today, May 5th at 4 PM Mountain Time: The Bastiat Society of Colorado Springs is hosting a virtual event: “COVID Economic Costs: Seen and the…
5/4 Daily Roundup
Welcome to our daily roundup for Monday May, 4th, 2020. I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather today! The Free Life: Time to move to…
Where do you get your food?
Supermarkets shelves are empty, stores are shutting down, food riots break out… Where would you get your food? The recent Gov’t created crisis around the…
4/17 Daily Roundup
Welcome to our daily roundup for Friday April, 17th, 2020. I hope you find this information useful! The Free Life: Broccoli fights autism, brain…
Two Colorado Congressmen Voted “NO” on $2 Trillion Stimulus Bill
Only two, out of Colorado’s seven Congressmen voted, “NO” on the largest spending bill in history, the 2.2 Trillion Dollar CARES Act. Representatives Ken Buck…
4/16 Daily Roundup
Welcome to our first daily roundup! Everyday, we will be posting a Roundup for information that might be of interest to those who wish to…
Protests Coming to Denver “End Stay-at-Home” Order!
This Sunday, April 19th, protests are planned at the State Capitol in Denver. The protesters are demanding Jared Polis end his “Stay-at-Home” Executive Order. (LINK)…
LP Launches Petition to Jared Polis: End Stay at Home Order
The Libertarian Party of Colorado has launched a petition to the Governor of Colorado, Jared Polis. The message is loud and clear: END THE STAY…
Join me on Telegram
Good day, FreeStateColorado now has a Telegram Channel. Download Telegram from and join us here: I look forward to speaking with you.
“Stay-home” Order Reveals Governor Polis’ Authoritarianism
“On March 25th, 2020, Governor of Colorado, Jared Polis issues Executive Order D 2020-017, which directs all Coloradans to stay at home, subject to limited…
Hello world! Coloradans Want Freedom!
First Post! My name is Brandon Wark, and my goal is promote the cause of liberty in Colorado. People move to Colorado to be free!…
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