Join the Weekly Legislative Activism Live Stream with the Libertarian Party and Free State Colorado

You’ve probably seen the headlines:

“Pet Tax Proposed”

“De-facto gun registration legislation introduced”

“Bill proposes felons get paid $3,000 of tax money”

“Fee on big trucks to pay for bike lanes?”

These issues and more are being discussed in our State Legislature this year.

Thankfully, you have the opportunity to make your voice heard on these and other important issues!

Colorado’s Legislature meets from January to May every year.

During the 120-day session, over 600 bills will be introduced, discussed and many passed into law.

So what can you do?

You can show up to speak at Committee Hearings, and you can communicate directly with your elected representative about the bills they are voting on.

To become law, every bill must pass both chambers, which means each bill goes through at least two committee hearings.

During each of these committee hearings, the public is invited to provide input and share their thoughts.

You can show up and speak for 3 minutes in support or in opposition to the legislation being voted on.

Last year, I wrote a guide on how to testify at the Capitol, take a look here:

You can have the biggest impact if you show up in person, but you can also provide testimony over zoom or submit a written statement.

With over 600 bills introduced, it’s difficult to keep track of important legislation.

That’s one of the reasons why the Libertarian Party of Colorado and Free State Colorado have started a Weekly Zoom and YouTube Live-stream to discuss the week’s upcoming committee hearings.

Subscribe to the Free State Colorado YouTube Channel and turn on notifications by clicking HERE!

Join us every Sunday night, from 7:30 PM to 9 PM on the Free State Colorado YouTube Channel.

We give you a day-by-day breakdown of the committee hearings and provide you with information on the biggest bills of the week.

Here’s a link to the most recent video:

Some other great resources on the Legislature for the Colorado Liberty Movement are:

The Colorado Union of Taxpayers, who sends an email every Monday morning to every State Legislator about the bills being heard and whether the policy is pro-taxpayer or anti-taxpayer.

You can sign up for their email list, and become a member for only $25 per year.

Liberty Scorecard Colorado, who rates hundreds of bills every year, and also sends a weekly newsletter on how well each bill protects Individual Rights, Free Markets and Limited Government.

Liberty Scorecard ranks all of Colorado’s 100 legislators each year, showing who stands up for liberty and who opposes it. They also deserve your monetary contribution.

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (RMGO) has a Bill Watch page in which they track all anti-gun or pro-gun bills introduced every year.

RMGO sends pro-gun lobbyists to the Capitol every year to push for pro-gun policies.

They are also engaged in several lawsuits against the Colorado State Government to end the infringements on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

You can become a member for $35 per year.

Please join Free State Colorado and the Libertarian Party of Colorado every Sunday night at 7:30 PM on YouTube during the Legislative Session.

Sign up for the Free State Colorado Email Newsletter:

Author: Brandon Wark

Colorado Native, world traveler. Political operative and blogger in defense of liberty. Believer in the value of human life and the potential for consciousness. My posts are my opinion - protected by the First Amendment