How to Lower Crime in Denver? Legislation from 2018 Shows The Way

Crime is skyrocketing in Denver.

Not a day seems to go by without a news story highlighting a violent attack in Denver.

Individuals working their job are faced with armed thieves all across Colorado’s metro areas.

Everyone knows that crime is a problem, but solutions are lacking.

Recent examples of criminals targeting Colorado businesses

Colorado’s Democratic Legislators foolishly claim that anti-gun laws would lower crime.

And now a Republican-adjacent group Advance Colorado is pursuing a ballot measure, Initiative 71, to empower the State to keep violent criminals locked up longer.

According to Sherrie Peif at Complete Colorado:

If passed, Initiative 71 — which it is known as for now — would force violent offenders to serve most of their sentences, possibly lowering the recidivism rates and reducing crime in Colorado, Fields said.“”If passed, Initiative 71 — which it is known as for now — would force violent offenders to serve most of their sentences, possibly lowering the recidivism rates and reducing crime in Colorado, Fields said.

Although it may seem like a good idea, empowering the state will not prevent most violent crime.

Don’t get me wrong, keeping violent criminals off the streets is a good thing, but there is a better way to do it.

Both Democrats and Republicans see a solution in further empowering the State.

But the State is not the savior many people think it is.

Instead, the answer is to empower citizens.

Legislation introduced in the Colorado State House shows the way:

In 2018, Liberty Legislators Rep. Justin Everett and Sen. Vicki Marble introduced HB18-1074: Deadly Force Against Intruder At A Business.

This legislation would have extended “the right to use deadly force against an intruder under certain conditions to include owners, managers, and employees of a business.”

Giving citizens legal protections for defending their workplace will give law-abiding citizens the ability to stop violent criminals in their tracks.

This legislation was promoted by Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (RMGO), who have been fighting in courts, and at the ballot box for the rights of Colorado gun owners.

If Colorado’s Legislature was serious about crime, they would give citizens the tools to fight back.

Colorado’s Liberty Community should be pursuing policies that empower citizens, not the state.

Wouldn’t it be great for Coloradans to have the opportunity to vote on initiatives that give them the ability to keep themselves safe, without relying on the State?

As the great Colorado libertarian author, L. Neil Smith wrote:

Violent crime is a solved problem – all they have to do is repeal the laws that keep those intelligent, capable, and responsible men and women from arming themselves, and violent crime evaporates like dry ice on a hot summer day.

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Author: Brandon Wark

Colorado Native, world traveler. Political operative and blogger in defense of liberty. Believer in the value of human life and the potential for consciousness. My posts are my opinion - protected by the First Amendment