Three Colorado Congressmen Vote to Fund VACCINE DATABASE to Track Americans!

CO Congress Vax Database

On November 30th, 2021 Congress voted to pass H.R. 550 Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021.

The bill provides $400 million to build a nationwide database of American’s vaccination records.

According to the bill sponsor, Rep. Ann McLane Kuster (D-NH) says her billwill improve and expand information-sharing between state and federal governments, as well as public and private health care providers, to ensure vaccines are being administered effectively and efficiently across all states and territories.”

Her program will not only share your medical information, but will also “remind patients when they are due for a recommended vaccine, and identify areas with low vaccination rates to ensure equitable distribution of vaccines.”

H.R. 550 will give more power to the CDC to exercise control over the American people.

According to Breitbart:

Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL), who was one of the 130 Republicans to vote “no,” told Breitbart News exclusively on Wednesday that the legislation would enable the federal government to “track” unvaccinated Americans who “will be targeted and forced to comply with Biden’s crazy ‘global vaccination’ vision.”

“These systems are designed to allow for the sharing of crucial information and maintenance of records. Do we really trust the government to protect our medical records?” Miller said. “The bill’s author even bragged in her press release that these systems will help the government remind patients when they are due for a recommended vaccine and identify areas with low vaccination rates to ensure equitable distribution of vaccines. This was clearly a legislative tool to enforce vaccine mandates and force their Orwellian rules onto those who do not comply.”

This is absolutely frightening to those of us who want to make our own medical decisions outside of the government’s control.

How did Colorado’s Congressional Delegation vote?

Colorado’s three Republican Congressmen voted No: Boebert, Buck, and Lamborn.

Three of Colorado’s four Democratic Congressmen voted Yes: Crow, Neguse, and Perlmutter.

Democratic Congressman DeGette did not vote.

Clearly Colorado’s Democratic Congressmen do not respect the medical privacy of Coloradoans.

Thankfully, Colorado voters will have an opportunity in 2022 to hold these anti-Freedom Congressmen accountable!

But it’s important that Colorado voters know the records of their Congressmen.

You can make sure to do your part to help hold tyrants accountable in 2022.

The bill passed the House 294 to 130.

The bill now moves onto the Senate where Colorado’s two Democratic Senators are expected to vote yes.

You can reach out to the two Senators and URGE a No Vote on H.R. 550:

Hickenlooper: (202) 224-5941 and

Bennet: (202) 224-5852 and

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Author: Brandon Wark

Colorado Native, world traveler. Political operative and blogger in defense of liberty. Believer in the value of human life and the potential for consciousness. My posts are my opinion - protected by the First Amendment