Tag: Kyle Mullica

0 955
Posted in Colorado Democratic Party Tyranny

BUSTED: These Colorado Democrats Publicly OPPOSED the Natural Medicine Ballot Measure

In November 2022, Colorado voters passed Proposition 122, the Natural Medicine Health Act (NHMA). This revolutionary ballot measure will create a regulated market for medical…

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0 2104
Posted in Colorado Democratic Party Colorado Legislature Tyranny

Colorado Democrats SUPPORT Vaccine Passports!

On Wednesday May 12th, 2021, Colorado Democrats in the State Legislature showed their support for Vaccine Passports when they voted down HB21-1191. House Bill 1191,…

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0 2158
Posted in Colorado Congressmen Colorado Democratic Party Colorado Legislature Tyranny

Colorado Democrats Support Gun Control, Deny Your Right to to Keep and Bear Arms!

In both the State Legislature and Congress, Colorado Democrats are supporting restrictions on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. In Congress, the following is…

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Attack on Smokers
0 1410
Posted in 2020 Colorado Legislature in Review Colorado Democratic Party Colorado Legislature Colorado Republican Party Tyranny

Colorado Republicans and Democrats ATTACK Legal Tobacco, and the Rights of 18-to-20-year-olds

Republicans Colin Larson and Kevin Priola joined Democrats Jeff Bridges and Kyle Mullica to sponsor anti-tobacco legislation in 2020. The first bill of any year’s…

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