Interview: Cory Gaines on the Colorado Legislature Accountability Problem – What are they hiding?

Colorado’s Legislators don’t want to be held accountable…

Thankfully, we have Cory Gaines.

In this video, Cory and Brandon discuss some of this session’s worst bills and how Legislators attempt to avoid accountability.

Whether it’s making it more difficult for Colorado voters to know what the Legislators are doing, or circumventing the Taxpayer Bill of Rights through the use of Enterprises, these legislators need to be exposed.

Cory Gaines wants you to “know what your government is doing and what you can do about it.”

That’s the tag line on his substack,

Cory’s articles have also appeared on Complete Colorado, which you can find at

You can also follow him on X:

SB24-157 Colorado Open Meetings Law for the General Assembly:

Ballot title set for proposed initiative to repeal new open meetings law exemptions for Colorado legislators:

HB24-1296 Modifications to the Colorado Open Records Act:

Legislative Publication on Enterprises:

SB24-184 Support Surface Transportation Infrastructure Development:

SB24-181 Alcohol Impact & Recovery Enterprise:

SB24-139 Creation of 911 Services Enterprise:

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Author: Brandon Wark

Colorado Native, world traveler. Political operative and blogger in defense of liberty. Believer in the value of human life and the potential for consciousness. My posts are my opinion - protected by the First Amendment