How to Defend Your Gun Rights in 3 Easy Steps!

Colorado’s Authoritarian Political Class is conducting an assault on your Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

So far, we’ve seen Boulder, Superior, Lafayette, Louisville, and Broomfield lead the attempt to disarm law-abiding citizens.

And now, only weeks into the 2023 Colorado State Legislature, politicians are implementing the next step of their plan.

Colorado’s anti-liberty legislators are planning six bills to strip Coloradoans of their God-given rights.

The unfortunate reality is that the politicians attempting to leave you defenseless will not stop anytime soon.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is there are steps you can take to preserve and grow a pro-gun culture.

Although these steps aren’t going to implement a pro-gun society overnight, they are steps in the right direction.

Here are three steps you can take to defend your gun rights.

Step 1: Become a Model Gun Owner

Are you a gun owner?

If not, buy a gun.

Do your research and find the right gun for you.

If you own one, then become an example of what a gun owner should be.

Be Responsible

Of course, being a good gun owner is to be responsible.

Follow and promote the four primary rules of gun safety:

  • Always Keep Firearm Pointed in a Safe direction
  • Treat All Guns as Though They are Loaded
  • Keep Your Finger Off the Trigger until You are Ready to Shoot
  • Always Be Sure of Your Target and What’s Beyond It

Carry Everyday

Imagine a society where carrying a gun is as common as carrying a cellphone.

How could politicians even consider restricting something that 90% of people do everyday?

Carrying a gun means that you accept responsibility for your own safety.

You would also be capable of defending the people around you like Johnny Hurley or Elisjsha Dicken did.

Normalizing everyday carry is an important way to shift the culture to a more pro-gun philosophy.

If you haven’t taken a course for your concealed carry permit, consider going to a Guns For Everyone class.

Make Your Voice Heard

Write an editorial to your local newspaper, post comments on social media, or even better, show up at your local city and county meetings.

Your city council and county commissioners need to hear from gun owners.

Anytime a gun-related issue comes up, you need to be there.

Don’t be silent when someone is trying to violate your rights. Talk about guns, and don’t be afraid to share your support for an armed society.

Become a Pro-Gun Culture Warrior

Engage with Pro-Gun culture to strengthen your knowledge and inspire you to defend your gun rights.

Some Pro-Gun Books:

Of course, these are just some of the books I’m aware of, please leave a comment below with any further recommendations.

You can also, watch pro-gun movies, and attend pro-gun events.

Why is this important?

Because our rights disappear the day that people stop owning & carrying guns.

What we do today creates the future.

Step 2: Grow the Community

As a model gun owner, you set the example for other potential gun owners.

Growing the community means creating new gun owners, and gun advocates.

Teach Someone About Guns

Whether it’s a family member, a friend or a coworker, we all know someone who doesn’t know anything about guns.

You can be the one to introduce them to the joy and satisfaction that comes with gun ownership.

Many people are afraid of guns, only because they don’t know anything about them.

It’s said that “people fear what they don’t understand.”

If you can help someone understand how guns work, and how they can safely use one to defend their family, you can not only save a life, but also strengthen gun culture.

Alone, you can defend your family.

But to defend your community, you will need others.

We Win With Numbers

Gun rights will be more secure when there are more gun owners.

You were a first-time gun owner once, and you may have been lucky enough to have someone bring you into gun culture.

Gun sales are at an all-time high, and there are many more people who are considering becoming gun owners.

Establishing gun clubs, promoting shooting competitions, and organizing group trips to the range can have a big pay-off.

3. Join Organized Efforts

The next step to defending your gun rights is to join with others who are already fighting.

This includes pro-gun political groups, and pro-gun candidates for public office.

You should find and support individuals who are running for local offices that represent your community.

Here in Colorado, we have some great organizations:

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (RMGO)website

Rally for Our Rightswebsite

Guns for Everyonewebsite

Colorado State Shooting Association (CSSA)website

Nationally, some more organizations are worth supporting:

National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR)website

Gun Owners of America (GOA)website

Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC)website

Second Amendment Foundation (2AF)website

Do you recommend any other organizations? Leave me a comment.

In Conclusion

With so many problems in the news, it’s easy to be discouraged with the state of the world.

But the antidote to despair is action.

Even though you can’t single-handily defend and expand our gun rights, you can make an impact.

The most important thing is to not give up.

Stay positive and remember there are opportunities to stand up for your rights.

The battle for liberty will win in the end. People want to be free.

But it’s going to be a bumpy road getting there.

Please let me know what other ideas you have in the comments below!

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Author: Brandon Wark

Colorado Native, world traveler. Political operative and blogger in defense of liberty. Believer in the value of human life and the potential for consciousness. My posts are my opinion - protected by the First Amendment