Now that you’ve taken the 3 Easy Steps to Defend Your Gun Rights, it’s time to move on to advanced level activism.
Quick recap from the 3 Easy Steps Article: Step 1: Become a Model Gun Owner, Step 2: Grow the Community, and 3. Join Organized Efforts.
Those basic steps are the foundation of gun culture. Recognize that change begins with you. The next step is to find others who agree with you, and then join with others who are already in the fight. I hope that all Colorado gun owners follow these steps.
For gun owners who are committed to defending their gun rights, these advanced efforts are for you. They involve more organization and more time.
It’s never been more urgent for gun owners to stand up and speak out.
Colorado’s Authoritarian State Legislators have announced their plans to continue their push for total gun disarmament.
And counties and cities are planning even more anti-gun attacks.
Let’s take a dive into what you can do about it!
Step 1. Become an Influential Pro-Gun Voice
This is one of the many goals of Become a media source with political and social influence. But, you don’t have to do what I do, and you don’t have to be on TV to be influential!
Other websites like,, and are other examples of Liberty-minded individuals making their voices heard.
You can create your own circle of influence around a social media platform, a blog, a YouTube channel, a newsletter, or anything that people can see online or in the real world.
If you’ve been on Facebook, you’ve probably seen that “Facebook Groups” centered around a local issue or neighborhood can have a tremendous impact.
Recalls, school board elections, and community organizing efforts have all seen Facebook Groups used to connect like-minded individuals.
Nextdoor, Telegram, Gab, Twitter, and other social media websites all have similar capabilities. And you should create your own email list of people that you can send important information.
Of course, these social media websites can ban you and shut down your group. Email lists allow you to contact people without relying on social media websites.
And if you can create a pro-liberty media source in the real world, you can take your level of influence to an even higher level.
Colorado has pro-gun radio shows like Common Nonsense heard weekdays from 7 AM to 9 AM on 1360 AM KHNC, and Mandy Connell heard weekdays from noon to 3 PM on KOA 850 AM.
Outside of local radio, corporate media pushes anti-gun and anti-liberty talking points.
This media bias has led half of the country to “believe national news organizations intend to mislead, misinform or persuade the public to adopt a particular point of view through their reporting,” according to a recent survey.
Pro-Liberty individuals don’t have many media resources.
You can make a big impact. Especially if you focus on your local community.
If creating or sharing media content isn’t something you are interested in, consider helping to host a pro-liberty group that meets regularly.
For years, Tea Party groups have been an important resource for candidates and activists.
Liberty on the Rocks is another group that has done wonders to connect liberty leaders across the state.
Breakfast clubs, and other social gatherings continue to be a great place for networking and collaboration.
Here is a strategy you can use to promote a pro-gun philosophy online or in the real world:
Strategy for Pro-Gun Media
The most compelling reason why a person needs a gun is for self-defense, and self-defense becomes more important with rising crime rates.
Colorado, like much of the rest of the country is experiencing a wave of violent crime. Reporting on this issue should always be important to the gun community.
Criminals both inside and outside government create victims daily, and 2021 saw a record year in Colorado with nearly 31,000 violent crimes reported.
And it’s estimated that only around 40% of violent crimes ever get reported.
To make matters worse, in 2021 there were 364 murders in Colorado, about one per day.
That’s over 65% more murders than in 2017, and the most in last five years!

Assault, rape, murder and robbery have shattered the lives of many Coloradans.
These horrific events are occurring with frightening regularity.
Individuals are being victimized by those with little regard for the law, or the rights of others.
These facts cannot be dismissed, and clearly illustrate why gun ownership is so important. You will always be your own first responder.
You are responsible for your own protection, so accept that responsibility.
I believe the above is a powerful argument that pro-gun advocates need to emphasize.
News stories and statistics on crime are easy to find.
You can grow a community online or in the real world, in which these issues are discussed and the importance of gun ownership is emphasized.
In addition to crime, politics, hunting, new gun reviews, gun history, and sports shooting events are all good topics.
Think of a Nextdoor or Facebook group that talks about the crime in the area, and consistently posts about how gun ownership will make the community safer.
If you can post daily or nearly daily about topics interesting to a pro-gun individual, you can build your network. Also think about providing resources for new gun owners.
If you can find hundreds or thousands of pro-gun individuals in your area, you can become an influential pro-gun voice.
Build an email list, build a social media following, and start connecting with like-minded individuals in the real world.
You might not convert anyone, but you can find the others who already agree with you. Remember, we win with numbers.
If you can build a pro-gun community by using your voice or creating a media resource, you can leverage your group to create successful political results.
Step 2. Make Your County a Second Amendment Sanctuary
The sad truth in Colorado is that anti-gun politicians in the State Legislature want to disarm gun owners.
And it’s frustrating for people who can’t do anything about it.
Moving the State Government to a Pro-Gun philosophy will take a generation or more.
But it’s important to remember the State isn’t all powerful.
In fact, your county or city governments have more power over your daily life than the State or Federal Governments.
And your power as a voter, citizen and taxpayer is much stronger over your local government.
Getting organized at the county level can mean the difference between life and death.
Your goal is to have your local government refuse to enforce unconstitutional anti-gun measures, and support local pro-gun measures.
According to Wikipedia, “39 out of 64 counties, 3 cities, and 4 towns have adopted Second Amendment sanctuary (or other pro-Second Amendment) resolutions.”
These Colorado Counties include: Alamosa, Archuleta, Baca, Bent, Cheyenne, Commerce City, Conejos, Crowley, Custer (plus Silver Cliff), Delta, Dolores, Douglas, El Paso (plus Monument), Elbert, Fremont (plus Cañon City), Garfield, Huerfano, Jackson, Kiowa, Kit Carson, Las Animas, Lincoln, Logan, Mesa, Mineral, Moffat (plus Craig), Montezuma, Montrose, Morgan, Otero, Park, Phillips (plus Haxtun), Prowers, Rio Blanco, Rio Grande, Sedgwick, Teller, Washington, Weld (plus Milliken), and Yuma.
The movement to create Second Amendment Sanctuaries in Colorado grew out of the 2019 Red Flag Gun Confiscation law.
And in 2021, Weld County reaffirmed their support to protecting the Gun Rights of their citizens.
If you can do the same in your county, you can create a bulwark against Denver’s anti-gun politicians.
Even if your county is listed above or has already passed some form of Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution, there is still work that needs to be done.
This means you must be involved with the County Government.
You should communicate with your County Commissioners, Sheriff and District Attorney.
Know who these elected officials are, and do your best to make sure pro-gun politicians are elected, and anti-gun politicians are replaced.
Imagine your Sheriff or District Attorney refusing to enforce an unconstitutional gun ban, and your County Commissioners backing them up.
By taking the reigns of local government we can push back against the State.
This is an advanced action item because you need to have your Commissioners and elected Sheriff capable of supporting strong pro-gun measures .
It’s important to note that some Second Amendment Sanctuary Legislation is better than others. Broad, soft language has little-to-no practical value.
So, it’s important to ensure your county enacts strong language that sets a clear boundary for the actions of your county or local government agents.
Here is what you need to know:
- Are your County Commissioners willing to pass Gun Rights Protection?
- Does your Sheriff support your gun rights?
- Do your county commissioners pass ordinances or resolutions?
- What specifically can you get agreement on? This needs to be a single issue that the majority of the county commissioners and the voting public support.
(If you can answer yes to the first 3 questions, and have a solid answer for #4, please email me and we can work to make your community a Second Amendment Sanctuary:
For example, your County Commissioners could explicitly state that “gun bans” will not be enforced in their community. No County resources are allowed to be used in such a case.
It’s also important to recognize the rural vs. urban divide that is at the center of the anti-gun agenda.
The reality is that Denver politicians control State Politics.
Not only is this unfair to non-metro area Coloradans, but it creates a situation in which political “solutions” are focused on urban communities and the needs of rural communities are disregarded.
If you live in a rural county, you have a real opportunity to make your county a Second Amendment Sanctuary.
Here are some talking points/draft speech you can use to help push for a Second Amendment Sanctuary in your Rural County or Municipality:
The Threat From Professional Criminals in Denver
It’s not paranoia to recognize that criminals are lurking in our community.
And it’s important to recognize that Denver politicians also have the potential to make you a victim.
Criminals have no regard for the rights of others, which is why they are so easy to compare to politicians.
In fact, the politicians in Denver (and other big cities) who use their position to infringe on the rights of their constituents are even more dangerous than the street-level thugs who murder, rape and steal.
Whereas the average criminal usually only harms their victim once, professional criminals, i.e. politicians, victimize millions of people for years on end.
With record crime, Denver Metro citizens are clamoring for a solution.
And what do Denver politicians think is the solution?
Politicians want to make it more difficult for law-abiding Coloradans to defend themselves, by depriving us of our ability to buy, sell, and carry guns.
Of course these so-called solutions don’t only apply in Denver, but it applies all across Colorado, even in our community.
Denver Politicians want to take guns away from Rural Coloradans.
You and I know that we are responsible for our own security and the safety of our families.
Many of us have animals, and many of us our far away from the nearest law enforcement office.
This is why we need to protect our rights.
This is why we need to make our community a Second Amendment Sanctuary.
We must pass this ordinance to ensure our right to self-defense and personal independence.
Freedom ends when we can no longer legally defend ourselves.
Pass this ordinance and protect our families.
Feel free to use these talking points.
Step 3. Recall Anti-Gun Legislators & Run Pro-Gun Candidates
In 2013, Colorado gun owners made history by recalling two State Senators, and forcing the resignation of a third.
The anti-gun legislation passed 2013 included the ban on magazines holding more than 15 rounds, a ban on private gun transfers, and a required fee (tax) that gun owners are forced to pay for background checks.
Four State Legislators were the initial targets of the Recall Campaign, but a lack of signatures stopped the additional recall.
Colorado Gun Owners ousted then Senate President John Morse, and Senator Angela Giron.
This bold effort flipped the State Senate from Democratic to Republican control, preventing any further anti-gun legislation!
The threat of recall also forced Evie Hudak to resign.
Hudak famously told a rape victim testifying against an anti-gun bill that “statistics are not on your side, even if you had a gun.” Clearly implying that women shouldn’t arm themselves for self-defense, because it is useless.
Hudak resigned so that Democrats would not lose her seat.
Republicans maintained control of the State Senate until 2018, when Democrats gained seats.
Currently, there are three State Senate seats that are the best contenders to be flipped in 2026. If these seats were flipped now through a Recall Election, they could potentially remain under Republican control during their next election cycle.
Senate Districts (SD) 3, 11 and 15 were the closest of the 2022 election.
SD 3 was won with only 1,705 votes. SD11 with only 2,264 votes, and SD 15 with only 1,014 votes.
Of course a Recall Effort requires a lot of money and time commitment from the organizers.
According to the Colorado Secretary of State, “The signature threshold to place a recall question on the ballot for a state or county elected official is 25% of the total votes cast at the last preceding general election for that office.”
So for SD 3, that would be 25% of 65,885 or 16,472 signatures.
SD 11 would require 25% of 40,564, or 10,141 signatures.
SD 15 would require 25% of 85,122, or 21,281 signatures.
Looking at the numbers, SD 11 is the first choice for organized and well-funded pro-gun activists.
If pro-gun activists want to focus on initiating a recall, they could also look at which State Senate Elections had the fewest number of voters.
In addition to SD 11, these would require the fewest signatures:
SD 34: 25% of 48,831, or 12,208 signatures.
SD 24: 25% of 55,761, or 13,941 signatures.
SD 32: 25% of 58,708, or 14,677 signatures.
Recalls focused on State House Seats, could focus on House Districts (HD) 50, 43, 16, and 25.
These were the closest House races in 2022.
HD 50: 25% of 17,517 votes, or 4,380 signatures.
HD 43: 25% of 45,347, or 11,337 signatures.
HD 16: 25% of 32,646, or 8,162 signatures.
HD 25: 25% of 51,697, or 12,925 signatures.
Even if successful, these recalls wouldn’t flip the Senate or the House, but they would slow down anti-gun efforts, and make Colorado a Freer State.
Additionally, flipping these seats now would make it easier for Republicans to make bigger in-roads in the 2024 election.
Supporting Pro-Gun Candidates
Recalls are an enticing option for pro-gun Coloradans. But the are only short-term solutions.
In order to create a Pro-Gun State, Liberty Activists need to recruit, support, and elect pro-gun candidates for office.
Looking at the data from last years election, it’s easy to see the seats most likely to flip. As I mentioned above, Senate Districts 3, 11 and 15 were narrowly won by Democrats.
These three seats should be prioritized in 2026 (State Senators serve 4-year terms).
(I haven’t done analysis of the Senate Seats up in 2024 yet, but I will be working on an article for that soon)
In the House, there were twelve close races, but the closest five should be prioritized in my opinion.
House Districts 50, 43, 16, 25, and 61 are the most likely to be flipped in 2024.
Even if you don’t live in these districts, you can still donate, volunteer and get involved in these campaigns.
If you are following Step 1, and becoming an influential pro-gun voice, you should be exposing the anti-gun actions of the Democrats currently serving in these seats, and you should be helping Republican candidates who are running.
I think Pro-Gun Coloradans should focus on supporting good Republicans for State Office, and Libertarians or Unaffiliated candidates for local offices. If we can work together, we can win.
Working campaigns has become increasingly expensive in recent years, with millions of dollars being spent on state-level elections.
As we get closer to the 2024 election, I’ll be putting together more resources for pro-liberty candidates.
Here are some talking points for your pro-gun candidates running for office:
How the State Creates Victims
By making it illegal to carry a firearm, the State is not only turning otherwise law-abiding citizens into criminals, but also creating easy victims for someone intent on inflicting harm.
Some Colorado cities actually outlaw armed security from operating unless they pay for a license. This means that criminals will be the only ones carrying a gun in this area, creating a dangerous place for the law-abiding.
No criminal is going to follow a “gun-free zone” ordinance. If they want to rob a business, or hurt someone, a gun law isn’t going to stop them.
After all, murder is illegal, and you can bet that if someone is intent on murder, they won’t give a damn about a law that tells them they can’t have a gun on them.
By definition, only the law-abiding will follow the gun laws, meaning that their chance of becoming a victim will only increase with each new law passed.
Violent crime spikes, and politicians want to make you defenseless!
Anti-Gun Policies Disarm the Poor, While the Rich can Afford Security
When it comes to self-defense, there is no substitute for a gun.
There is no other tool so affordable, and so reliable as a gun.
A gun gives someone with modest means the ability to defend themselves, their home, and their family.
For a working class person, a gun is the best tool for defense.
And yet, wealthy politicians are usually the ones attempting to take guns away from the poor.
Whether it’s expensive carry permits, new taxes or fees on guns and ammo, or attempts to outlaw cheap guns, anti-gun politicians have proven themselves to be enemies of the working class.
Wealthy individuals can afford security systems, gated neighborhoods, and even armed security.
But those aren’t options for someone living paycheck to paycheck.
It’s not too surprising that the same politicians who want to take guns away from the poor, are some of the richest people in our communities.
Truly, anti-gun measures are class warfare, directed at disarming hard working people who only want to protect themselves.
These three advanced steps towards creating a pro-gun Colorado are difficult, but necessary to preserving our freedom.
If a person can’t legally defend themself, then how can they be considered anything other than a prisoner or a slave?
It’s easy to become disheartened and burnt out when participating in politics.
But if you won’t stand up, who will? If you won’t speak out, then how can you expect someone else to?
The reality is that we can win! Pro-gun and Pro-liberty ideas are the future.
Perseverance and an openness to new strategies and ideas are necessary.
Don’t give up, keep pressing forward.
What are some other Pro-Gun Strategies? Leave a Reply Below!
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Why doesn’t anyone address the fact that no state constitution grants a state the power to impose any gun laws on the true citizens of a state. In fact, many states clearly forbid it in their bill of rights.
Why aren’t people suing the state gov’s for proof they have the right to impose any of the current gun laws?
Re: “The most compelling reason why a person needs a gun is for self-defense”
We don’t have a bill of “needs”, we have a Bill of Rights and the purpose of the Second Amendment is clearly stated in the Preamble to the Bill of Rights where it says “The convention of a number of states having at the time of their adopting of the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse, of its powers that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added”. Note that when the Second Amendment was written, every weapon was a weapon of war, there were no restrictions on the private ownership of weapons by law abiding, private citizens and the militia was equally matched with the Continental Army. After all, if they weren’t equally matched, it would be pretty hard to deter or “prevent misconstruction or abuse” of the government’s powers – so in reality, the citizen militia of today should have the same firearms as the current US military. Unfortunately we are no longer equally matched because we have let our gun rights be eroded by buying into this notion if we just compromise to accommodate the people who – for whatever reason – don’t like guns they will quit trying to take away our gun rights. History has shown that no matter how much we compromise, it’s never enough so we need to stop compromising.
I know how to eliminate all the gun laws in Colorado or any other state. I have spent 25 years studying out legal system. I understand how it works and nothing is as it seems. We have no constitutional courts in the states, which is why the state courts totally ignore their state’s constitutions.
Consider this: No state constitution grants a state the power to impose any gun laws on its true citizens and in fact, many state constitutions openly forbid it in the state bill of rights.
Where is right is secured on a state level, the fed gov is forbidden to over ride that right.
The federal constitution does not grant the fed gov the power to come into the states to regulate the lives of those people that are only citizens of their states.
“The Government of the United States, therefore, can claim no powers which are not granted to it by the Constitution, and the powers actually granted must be such as are expressly given, or given by necessary implication.” Buffington v. Day, 11 Wall. 113; 78 U.S. 122 (1871)
The rules for the states are identical.
I know the fraud the state and fed gov’s are moving under to claim the power to ignore their own constitutions.