Category: Colorado Republican Party

0 221
Posted in Colorado Republican Party Liberty Activism Podcast

Why are Young Coloradans Joining the Republican Party?

The Republican Party is seeing an influx of young Coloradans rising in their ranks. Ryan Gonzalez, who won his election for State House District 50…

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0 1677
Posted in 2022 Elections Colorado Republican Party Liberty Activism

Colorado’s Republican Establishment Must Embrace Election Integrity or Face Irrelevancy

Colorado’s Republican Party is in danger of further alienating their base. In an attempt to appeal to unaffiliated voters, the Republican Establishment is seemingly at…

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0 4243
Posted in Colorado Legislature Colorado Republican Party

CORA Request Reveals Colorado House GOP Leadership’s Fundraising “Could be Viewed as a Breach of the Public’s Trust”

EXCLUSIVE: CORA request reveals concerns that Colorado State Representative Hugh McKean’s Restore Colorado Leadership Fund may have violated Amendment 41, Colorado’s “constitutional gift ban.” To…

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Blueprint 2
0 19263
Posted in 2020 Elections Colorado Republican Party Deep Dives

Guest Post: The Blueprint 2.0 by Sarah Harrison & Karl Honegger

Free State Colorado is proud to post this very interesting article by Sarah Harrison and Karl Honegger. Check out the biographies for Karl and Sarah…

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Legislature Review
0 1575
Posted in Colorado Democratic Party Colorado Legislature Colorado Republican Party Liberty Activism

Video Presentation: 2021 Colorado Legislature in Review

This is a new recording of the presentation given at Liberty on the Rocks in June of 2021. The Colorado Legislature went overboard attacking our…

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LORT Presentation
0 1368
Posted in Colorado Democratic Party Colorado Legislature Colorado Republican Party Covid Jared Polis Liberty Activism Podcast Tyranny

2021 Colorado Legislative Review: Liberty on the Rocks Denver, June 16th 2021 Presentation

On June 16th, 2021 at Liberty on the Rocks Denver, Free State Colorado founder Brandon Wark presented a recap on the 2021 Colorado Legislative Session.

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0 1273
Posted in Colorado Congressmen Colorado Republican Party Liberty Activism The Free Life Tyranny

Tell Colorado’s Congressmen, “Support the Repeal of the Patriot Act!” – Liberty Activism

Colorado’s seven Congressmen, and two Senators have an opportunity to stand up for liberty, and reverse one of the worst pieces of legislation of our…

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0 1868
Posted in Colorado Democratic Party Colorado Republican Party Jared Polis Libertarian Party of Colorado Tyranny

Heroes Emerge To Resist Gov. Polis’ Tyranny as Violence Breaks Out in Denver

Authoritarian-in-chief Jared Polis, and his statist-allies in the mainstream media are pushing hard to take your liberty away. This year, liberty-loving Coloradans have seen their…

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Attack on Smokers
0 1436
Posted in 2020 Colorado Legislature in Review Colorado Democratic Party Colorado Legislature Colorado Republican Party Tyranny

Colorado Republicans and Democrats ATTACK Legal Tobacco, and the Rights of 18-to-20-year-olds

Republicans Colin Larson and Kevin Priola joined Democrats Jeff Bridges and Kyle Mullica to sponsor anti-tobacco legislation in 2020. The first bill of any year’s…

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