Colorado Legislators want the Public in the Dark! Jon Caldara Wants to Turn the Light Back on!

Colorado’s Sunshine Laws have kept the public aware of what government has doing for over 50 years.

Colorado Legislators passed the Colorado Opens Record Act (CORA) back in 1968, even before the Federal Freedom of Information Act was created!

And in 1972, Colorado voters passed the Sunshine Law which ensured the General Assembly’s transparency. (Thanks to Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition for the background)

Unfortunately in recent years, Colorado Legislators have started dimming the lights on Colorado’s Sunshine Laws.

In 2024, the Colorado Legislature quickly passed SB24-157, which limited the public’s access to “closed-door” meetings.

And this year, SB25-077 attempts to give the press special privilege over the people regarding CORA requests.

Thankfully, Jon Caldara is leading the charge to turn the lights back on in the Legislature and shine the light of transparency on the lawmakers who control so much of our lives.

In this video, Jon explains how Colorado citizens can fight for transparency, why it matters so much, and how politicians are trying to keep their actions hidden from the public.


Caldara: Prying open secretive government at the ballot box:

Legislative committee hearings need a dose of sunshine:

Draft transparency bill unwinds open meetings carve-out for legislators:

Guide to Colorado’s Open Records and Open Meetings Laws:

SB24-157: Colorado Open Meetings Law for the General Assembly:

SB25-077: Modifications to Colorado Open Records Act:

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Author: Brandon Wark

Colorado Native, world traveler. Political operative and blogger in defense of liberty. Believer in the value of human life and the potential for consciousness. My posts are my opinion - protected by the First Amendment

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