Good day friends! It’s been a year since went online.
Over the past year, we have experienced an unprecedented attack on our civil liberties, our human rights, and our ability to make a living.
The Covid Crisis has been the excuse for politicians to push authoritarian programs like “Vaccine Passports,” “Contact Tracing,” “Social Distancing,” and “Lockdowns.”
Politicians even went so far as to divide us into “essential,” or “non-essential” workers.
And recently, we have been seeing calls to restrict our ability to discuss the problems with associated with this political power-grab.
I’d like to look at some numbers, based on official Gov’t sources so we can examine our situation.
Let’s take a look at Colorado’s Covid Data:

This graphic, from the Magellan Strategies Survey is very interesting:

I do not believe the Govt’s numbers are accurate.
However, even if you assume the “official numbers” are accurate, there is still a 99% survival rate, and the vast majority of deaths were individuals over 60, and nearly half of deaths occurred in long-term care facilities.
I don’t believe the numbers are accurate because I think there is evidence to suggest False Positives are common.
You may remember, back in November 2020, the Colorado Department of Public Health (CDPH) classified two gunshot deaths in Grand County as “Covid-related” deaths.
Grand County Coroner Brenda Bock went so far as to say, “I honestly don’t believe you have to falsify the numbers to get your point across to the public, and yet I really feel like that’s what the CDC is still doing,”
The Montezuma County Cororner also disputed a “Covid-related” designation of a death caused by alcohol poisoning.
“COVID was not listed on the death certificate as the cause of death. I disagree with the state for listing it as a COVID death, and will be discussing it with them this week,” said Coroner George Deavers.
Not only that, but the CDPH was caught inflating Covid deaths in May of 2020.
State Representative Mark Baisley has been one of the leading voices questioning the State’s inflated Covid numbers.
The State lowered their “Covid death” count by 24% after being called out by Baisley and County Coroners.
Looking at the State’s data, it’s clear that Covid was NOT a threat to the vast majority of Coloradoans.
And even if Covid endangered the majority of Coloradoans, politicians were never to be trusted.
After all, masks don’t work:

Lockdowns caused massive amounts of harm.
For most people, the lockdowns were more harmful than Covid.
Not only were older people the most affected by Covid, but according to the CDC, 78% of people hospitalized for Covid were overweight or obese.
And of those who died, 94% of them had underlying medical conditions, also known as co-morbidities.
The political class failed Colorado.
Jared Polis, and “Public Health” Officials destroyed our state over the last year.
We must learn from our mistakes.
We must never let this happen again.
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