Colorado Student Declared Homeless, Moved in With Teacher, School Staff Kept Info from Parents!

Nobody was fired. Nobody was arrested. Nobody was held accountable!

A Jefferson County Teacher at Columbine High School developed a relationship with a student, and with the help of school staff assisted the student in being declared homeless!

Not only that, but the student later moved in with a teacher! The teacher who groomed the student has since fled the state and never faced criminal charges!

Unfortunately, Jefferson County Schools has seen more than it’s fair share of controversy.

Predatory teachers and staff have caused serious harm to students and families.

And to make matters worse, School Administration helped cover up the latest scandal!

Heather McCormick is a Jefferson County Mom, a friend of the family at Columbine High School in which the daughter was a victim of this predatory teacher.

In this video, Heather explains what happened, gives insight into Jefferson County Schools, and provides tips on what parents should be doing to protect their kids.


Perv teacher groomed my daughter in class and then stole her away — and woke school officials helped her, mother says:

Jeffco Public Schools help declare student homeless before moving in with teacher:

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Author: Brandon Wark

Colorado Native, world traveler. Political operative and blogger in defense of liberty. Believer in the value of human life and the potential for consciousness. My posts are my opinion - protected by the First Amendment

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