Interview: Parents Sue Colorado Over Secret Transition at School, Parents were “intentionally deceived”

Eric Sell is a helping Colorado parents stand up for their rights.

These parents found out their child was being secretly transitioned at school.

It had been going on for months.

Colorado law as well as the school district policies allow school staff to hide gender transitions from parents.

This could be happening in the school that your children or grand children attend.

Policies that allow school staff to hide important health information from parents should not be allowed.

Thankfully, the parents were able to get in touch with the Center for American Liberty and file suit.

In this video, Eric Sell, Associate Counsel at the Center for American Liberty discusses the case and the implications for families across Colorado.

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Learn more about the case:

CBS article: Colorado parents sue over state law and school policy regarding transgender students:

Denver Gazette article: Faulting new law, parents sue Colorado, Brighton school district over daughter’s gender transition:

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Author: Brandon Wark

Colorado Native, world traveler. Political operative and blogger in defense of liberty. Believer in the value of human life and the potential for consciousness. My posts are my opinion - protected by the First Amendment

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