Tag: John Hickenlooper

0 4267
Posted in Colorado's Politcial Establishment Exposed

Colorado’s Political Establishment Exposed: New Era Colorado

How did Democrats take control of Colorado? Who is behind the left-authoritarian political agenda in Colorado? Some might answer: political parties, big donors or lobbyists…

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0 4062
Posted in 2022 Elections Tyranny

Jena Griswold has Betrayed the Trust of Colorado Voters

Colorado voters have suffered under Jena Griswold’s tenure as Secretary of State. The legitimate interests of Colorado voters seem to take second place to Griswold’s…

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0 1664
Posted in 2022 Elections Tyranny

Michael Bennet’s Authoritarian Record in the US Senate is a Disgrace for Colorado

Michael Bennet is in trouble. After 13 years of pandering to the establishment, voters are catching on. Many Coloradoans don’t know much about this US…

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0 1286
Posted in Colorado Democratic Party Tyranny War on Cannabis

The Worst Colorado Democrats on Legal Cannabis

Some people might be surprised to learn that Colorado Democrats are no friend of legal cannabis. But, it isn’t surprising for cannabis activists who witnessed…

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0 2414
Posted in Colorado Democratic Party Tyranny

Colorado’s Two US Senators Vote in SUPPORT of Biden’s Vaccine Mandate!

Call-to-action at the bottom of the post On December 8th, Colorado Senators Michael Bennet, and John Hickenlooper voted against S.J.Res.29 to Nullify Joe Biden’s Employer…

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CO Congress Vax Database
0 2356
Posted in Colorado Congressmen Colorado Democratic Party Covid Tyranny

Three Colorado Congressmen Vote to Fund VACCINE DATABASE to Track Americans!

On November 30th, 2021 Congress voted to pass H.R. 550 Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021. The bill provides $400 million to build a nationwide…

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Ban Red Light Cameras
0 1292
Posted in Goals for the Colorado Liberty Movement

Ban Red Light Cameras: Goal for the Colorado Liberty Movement

How can Colorado become a Free State? There are many paths, including building community, creating businesses, raising children, and developing technology to counter the State….

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0 2764
Posted in CCCP Report Propaganda Tyranny

Denver Post’s Bias Exposed! C.C.C.P Report Vol. 2

Welcome to the second edition of Comrade Charlie’s Colorado Propaganda Report! (or CCCP Report for short) Comrade Charlie, a former authoritarian propagandist, is going to point out…

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0 1913
Posted in Deep Dives

Denver in Decay – Review & Deep Dive

A growing homeless population, alarming increases in crime, and an idiotic government response, Denver residents be warned. On September 17th, 2020 Mountain Time Media premiered…

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0 23185
Posted in 2020 Elections Tyranny

Who are the George Soros Candidates in Colorado?

Coloradoans are seeing millions of dollars in campaign spending ahead of November’s general election. Inundated with 30-second television ads, mailers, and internet ads, it is…

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