Jared Polis has ambition. From Congress to the Governor’s Office Jared has always thought about his next step.
And in two years, he will be out of a job!
So, is Jared Polis planning on running for President in 2028?
I’d bet on it!
In order to set himself up for the role, he is already positioning himself as a leader of the Blue State Resistance to Donald Trump’s second term with his “Governor’s Safeguarding Democracy” organization.
And at the same time Jared recognizes the great political re-alignment that Trump’s landslide victory represents.
Let’s take a look into the Political Games of Polis in this video.
Links from Video:
Jared Polis on X: https://x.com/jaredpolis
Tweet from Cory Gaines: https://x.com/cory_gaines/status/1854914253460791704
Jon Caldara, Independence Institute Email on Polis’ Tax Cut Claims: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?e=3f939cca3d&u=0193a55e13e2c2693a7f9460f&id=89f24a25d9
Governor Jared Polis X Account: https://x.com/GovofCO
Governor’s Safeguarding Democracy: https://govsfordemocracy.org/
Politico article: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/11/13/blue-states-unite-resist-federal-pressure-trump-00189204
Governors Action Alliance: https://govactalliance.org/
HB19-1124: Protect Colorado Residents From Federal Government Overreach: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb19-1124
HB20-1343: Egg-laying Hen Confinement Standards: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb20-1343
SB24-066: Firearms Merchant Category Code: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/sb24-066
New York Post article: https://nypost.com/2024/08/29/us-news/colorado-gov-jared-polis-dismisses-migrant-gang-takeover-of-aurora-apartments-as-imagination/
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