“Where’s the Money Going?” Senator Byron Pelton is Working Towards Transparency in the Legislature

Colorado’s Public Employees’ Retirement Association (PERA) disburses around $5 billion in benefits every year!

And with nearly 400,000 Coloradans relying on PERA for their retirement, it’s an important program that the State Legislature works to maintain.

Senator Pelton wants PERA members to know how their retirement money is being invested, and how it’s being spent.

That’s why he is working on a new bill for the 2025 Legislative Session to provide more transparency for PERA members.

Not only that, but Senator Pelton, a former County Commissioner, has been a voice in defense of local control of land use policies, and a supporter of Colorado agriculture.

In this video, Senator Pelton provides insight into the State Legislature, explains his attempts to limit the growth and size of government, and shares his thoughts on what’s to come in 2025.

Senator Pelton’s Page on the Legislative Website is where you will be able to find the bills he is sponsoring in the 2025 Legislative Session: https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/byron-pelton

You can also learn more about him at his campaign website: https://www.byronpelton.com/

Legislative Overview of PERA: https://leg.colorado.gov/publications/overview-colorado-public-employees-retirement-association-pera

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Author: Brandon Wark

Colorado Native, world traveler. Political operative and blogger in defense of liberty. Believer in the value of human life and the potential for consciousness. My posts are my opinion - protected by the First Amendment