Interview: Patrick Neville on Castle Rock’s Proposed Tax Increase, Do They Really Need the Money?!

Castle Rock is often thought of as a town with conservative values.

The town is ranked as one of the safest and best places to live in the whole country.

Low taxes, a business friendly government and good values have come to define Castle Rock.

So why is the Castle Rock Town Council trying to raise taxes on the people?

If there is more tax money being collected than ever, why does the Town Staff claim they need more money?

And why is the Town spending taxpayer money on a political campaign?

Residents are starting to ask questions and demand answers.

Patrick Neville is one of these residents. Patrick is a former State Legislator and House Minority Leader in the Colorado General Assembly and self-described “recovering politician.”

In this video, Patrick shares examples of the political campaign materials the town is spending money on, and discusses the tax increase and why voters should reject it.

Castle Rock’s Town Budget:

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Author: Brandon Wark

Colorado Native, world traveler. Political operative and blogger in defense of liberty. Believer in the value of human life and the potential for consciousness. My posts are my opinion - protected by the First Amendment

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