Natalie Menten reveals: Jefferson County Awarded COVID Contract to Politically Connected Consultants

Made public for the first time:

In 2021, Jefferson County Public Health contracted with politically-connected consultants.

This consulting contract was apparently signed without the proper policy of publicly soliciting bids to ensure the most effective use of taxpayer money.

These consultants were hired to “disprove disinformation dangerous to the public,” and to pitch “interviews to the local media.”

Remember, this was a time when the public was growing weary of the Public Health restrictions.

Not only that, but just weeks after the contract was sealed, Jefferson County Public Health Executive Director Dawn Comstock signed a letter asking Governor Jared Polis to institute a statewide vaccine passport system.

The shocking details are revealed for the first time by Natalie Menten, one of Colorado’s liberty leaders in the video below.


Free State Colorado’s November 2021 post on the Jefferson County Vaccine Passport Push:

Denver-area public health directors call for Polis to order statewide mask mandate:

Letter signed by Dawn Comstock begging Polis for Vaccine Passports:

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Author: Brandon Wark

Colorado Native, world traveler. Political operative and blogger in defense of liberty. Believer in the value of human life and the potential for consciousness. My posts are my opinion - protected by the First Amendment