Interview: Rachel Gabel, War on Meat, Denver Slaughterhouse Ban Must be Stopped!

In recent years, the war on meat production has escalated.

From Governor Jared Polis bringing “impossible whoppers” to an
Agriculture meeting to Denver’s latest initiative to shutdown
slaughterhouses in in the city.

Ranching and farming have been the foundation of civilization for
thousands of years.

But modern anti-meat extremists want to shutdown this important

This year Denver voters will be deciding whether to shutdown a 70-year-old employee owned business that provides nearly 20% of the lamb across the country.

Rachel Gabel is a longtime agriculture writer and the assistant editor of The Fence Post Magazine.

In this video, she explains what kind of impact the slaughterhouse ban will have on Colorado and why it must be stopped.

Rachel’s website:

Real-world ramifications of slaughterhouse ban on Denver ballot | GABEL:

Slaughterhouse ban on Denver ballot targets one 70-year-old business:

Proposed Denver slaughterhouse ban could cost Colorado economy up to $861 million, study shows:

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Author: Brandon Wark

Colorado Native, world traveler. Political operative and blogger in defense of liberty. Believer in the value of human life and the potential for consciousness. My posts are my opinion - protected by the First Amendment

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