Why Some Colorado Democratic Voters Might Be Skipping Votes This Year…

Progressive, Pro-Palestine Coloradans might not feel like they have a home in the Democratic Party anymore

During the June Primary Election, millions of dollars were spent by “mainstream” Democrats to purge radical Democrats like Elisabeth Epps and Tim Hernandez.

This has led to some people leaving the Democratic Party and feeling “politically homeless.”

Some progressive voters might even skip voting for candidates this year.

Links from video:

Article on the Denver Democratic Socialists of America: https://freestatecolorado.com/dsa/

X post with anti-Epps campaign material: https://x.com/Cheesmanesque/status/1805347627107860814/photo/1

X post on Epps and Hernandez losing: https://x.com/chrisparente/status/1805931183827562603

Jon Caldara interview with Adrian Felix: https://youtu.be/ijaPh4y1_7s

CBS article on Pro-Palestine voters: https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/voters-gaza-policies-third-party-protest-presidential-race/

Susan Hall for Congress website: https://susanhallforcongress.com/

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Author: Brandon Wark

Colorado Native, world traveler. Political operative and blogger in defense of liberty. Believer in the value of human life and the potential for consciousness. My posts are my opinion - protected by the First Amendment