Taxation is Theft!
You work hard for your money.
You work so that your family can have a good life, free from worry.
And yet, Colorado’s Political Class wants more of your paycheck!
The average Coloradoan pays nearly $13,000 in income and property taxes every year!
Add to that all the Sales Tax that we all pay on every purchase, and our tax burden is through the roof!
Thankfully, Colorado voters added the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) to the State Constitution in 1992.
According to Ben Murrey at the Independence Institute TABOR works as follows:
Article X of the state constitution — commonly known as the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights, or TABOR — sets limits on the amount of tax revenue the state can collect each year. If revenues, including income-tax collections, surpass the TABOR limit, the excess gets refunded back to voters.
Picture state coffers as a silo and revenues as grain filling it up. In a good year, there may be more bounty than what the silo can hold. In that case, the overflow goes back to the people.
Each year, the limit — or the size of the silo — increases based on population growth and inflation, allowing government spending to grow automatically. If the state wants to collect or keep tax monies at a level higher than automatic growth permits, it must win voter consent at the ballot.
TABOR helps foil Politician’s greedy plans to steal more of your hard-earned money.
And that’s exactly why Colorado’s Democrats want to get rid of it.
From the Denver Pest in July:
The article quotes Rep. Julie McCluskie (D-61, Delta, Gunnison, Lake, Pitkin, Summit) who thinks keeping our tax refunds “feels like the responsible thing to do.”
Not to be outdone, Sen. Chris Hansen (D-31, Arapahoe, Denver) has “a list of options,” for how the State can steal more of our money.
The Denver Pest elaborates on Hansen’s plans, saying he is “arguing that nearly 30 years of TABOR restrictions have created backlogs so great that a rising state economy and federal stimulus money aren’t enough to meet the state’s spending needs.”

Just recently, in a September Editorial, Hansen doubled-down on his greedy plan:
In their opinion piece, Hansen and his co-conspirator Dominick Moreno (D-21, Adams) whine that Colorado has the “most restrictive tax system in the entire country.”
These despicable legislators are not even hiding the fact that they want to take your TAX REFUND away from you!
Of course, they believe they know how to spend your money better than you do!
They smugly claim that “income tax cuts will only add insult to injury.”

Their authoritarian attitude exposes the belief system of Colorado’s Democrats.
They want taxpayers to foot the bill for their idiotic schemes.
This attitude not only reeks of Marxism, but also ignores the facts of how economic growth occurs.
By taking money out of the wallets of Coloradoans, they are limiting the ability of entrepreneurs to solve the problems of consumers.
According to the Colorado Legislative Council, Colorado taxpayers would receive over $4 BILLION in refunds over the next four years.
Giving a billion dollars back to Colorado taxpayers every year would be a huge boon for the economy.
We now see why Communist Dictator wannabes like Hansen, Moreno, and McCluskie are salivating at the prospect of stealing more of our money.
So how do Democrats plan on stealing our money?
As described above, TABOR prevents the legislature from raising our taxes without a vote of the people.
Several years ago, Colorado’s Democratic Legislators discovered a loophole in TABOR:
According to Joshua Sharf at the Independence Institute, Government Enterprises “are business-type activities serving the public that the government engages in.”
Government-run businesses have failed time-and-time again.
The perpetually money-losing Amtrak, and unprofitable US Post Office are examples of government enterprises.
Colorado Democratic Legislators, like Senatore Hansen have assured us that they will move our tax money off the books by creating “enterprises.”
What enterprises they intend to create remains to be seen.
It’s important to remember that authoritarians in the State Legislature do not want to ask voters to support their schemes.
They are afraid the voters will say no.
The shameful attitude of Hansen, Moreno, McCluskie, and their cohorts in the Colorado Political Class should bother every Colorado voter.
When politicians decide to push schemes they know the voters would reject, then they should resign and leave the job of representing the people to someone that will actually do just that.
Here at Free State Colorado, we will keep an eye on further developments.
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