Colorado State Representative Dylan Roberts (D-Eagle, Vail, Steamboat, House District 26) recently sang his own praises in an article in the Steamboat Pilot and Today.
Roberts, who is also a Deputy District Attorney for Eagle County was originally appointed in his current legislative seat when Witch Mitsch Bush resigned to pursue her pipedream of being a Congressman back in 2017.
Roberts, when he is not locking people up in Eagle County, solicits donations from Democratic supporters such as Frank Azar (Azar maxed out his contributions to over a dozen politicians just this month), and Pat Stryker of Gang of Four notoriety, and one of Colorado’s wealthiest individuals.
Even though Roberts is new in the Legislature, it’s no surprise that he rubs shoulders with Colorado’s Democratic Party Establishment, as he was a field director for Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign.
Dylan Roberts Lifelines for Small Businesses Article
With a title like Lifelines for Small Businesses, it’s no surprise that Roberts’ article celebrates his efforts at the State Legislature to spend taxpayer money.
In his words, Colorado’s State Legislature “stepped up,” while federally, Congress failed to act, as they were “mired in gridlock.”
The irony begins with his next paragraph, where Roberts boasts of his participation in spending $20 million of Trump stimulus money, with the creation of the Energize Colorado Gap Fund:
$20 million used for this “Gap Fund,” was distributed to Colorado from the horrible Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act or CARES Act.
The massive $2 trillion CARES Act was the largest transfer of wealth in human history as explained by Rep. Thomas Massie (who was attacked by both Mitt Romney and Donald Trump when he challenged the hasty passage of this bill).
Free State Colorado readers will know that Colorado had two heroic “no” votes on the CARES Act from Rep. Ken Buck, and Rep. Doug Lamborn.
Getting back to Roberts article, after he finishes gushing over Trump’s horribly “YUGE” bailout, he goes on to praise his own spending schemes that local tyrant Governor Polis signed into law this year.
Roberts’ first bill of the year, House Bill 20-1003, the Rural Jump-start Zone Act Modifications, modifies (and extends) a bill from 2015 (SB15-282), which gives Colorado taxpayer money (through tax credits and tax refunds) to businesses “new to the state,” and who “establish a relationship with a state institution of higher education, junior college, or an area vocational school.”
And here we see the second piece of irony in Roberts’ article.
If tax credits and tax refunds “incentivizes small businesses to open their doors and hire employees in rural counties across Colorado,” as Roberts claims, then why does he oppose a minor reduction in the Colorado’s income tax?
Doesn’t he want Colorado’s small businesses to hire employees?
Roberts celebrated lowering the tax burden on businesses in his op-ed on September 1st, and a whole three days later on September 4th, he signs his name to another op-ed which claims a tax cut would “make economic hardships and disparities even worse.”
It seems a lot can happen in three days.
Of course, I’m assuming Roberts is being genuine in his article. Maybe I should not be so kind.
Roberts than goes on to share his pride in sponsoring Senate Bill 20-213, Alcohol Beverage Retail Takeout and Delivery.
To his credit, this bill did increase liberty, by permitting restaurants to sell alcohol to-go.
Roberts writes, “this extra revenue has been a lifesaver for so many local restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
There’s no shortage or irony here friends…
Of course, restaurateurs wouldn’t be in such dire need of “this extra revenue,” if they weren’t threatened with thousands of dollars in fines and jail time, if they failed to follow the shut down order dictated by Roberts buddy in the Governor’s office.
Legal alcohol “to-go” as permitted by SB 20-213, is only allowed until July 2021, but Roberts throws a carrot to us peons by mentioning the Legislature will look “to extend that date even further next year.”
How generous of him… too bad many restaurants across Colorado won’t survive the shutdown order.
Roberts wraps up his article with two seemingly positive bills.
Senate Bill 20-126, Allow Home Child Care In Homeowners’ Association Community, which prevents Homeowner’s Associations from prohibiting a homeowner from operating a licensed family child care home, with restrictions.
And House Bill 20-1421, Delinquent Interest Payments Property Tax, which allows local governments to waive or reduce delinquent interest payments on property taxes.
Let’s be clear, it’s only the interest on delinquent property taxes that can be waived, not the property tax itself.
Roberts then finishes his article by humbly admitting his legislation “will not be the sole reason that our economy begins to recover.”
Roberts must be delusional if he thinks his puny efforts at social engineering would make a dent in the economic crisis that his government created.
Any idiot with a 3rd-grade education who wanted the economy to “recover” could figure out that ending the Governor’s shut down orders would be the first step.
But the idea of allowing individuals to make their own decisions, or allowing businesses to succeed or fail based on their own merits must not be in line with Roberts’ ideals.
Gov’t Social Engineering is Economically Destructive
It is quite interesting to see Harry Browne’s famous quote play out in real time:
“The government is good at one thing. It knows how to break your legs, and then hand you a crutch and say, ‘See if it weren’t for the government, you wouldn’t be able to walk.”
Harry Browne
Government created the problem (the shut-downs), and now they are claiming to have a solution (their redistributive schemes).
Roberts is nothing special, just another politician who lives his whole life off government welfare, but the reason I picked on him is because his actions reveal the problem of government itself.
For any individual to have the power to force another individual to wear a mask, or refrain from economic activity, is slavery.
If you have to ask permission to buy alcohol “to-go,” or to watch your neighbor’s children, then you are not free.
And if the threats of fines and jail time aren’t enough, Roberts and his conspirators in the State Legislature buy the acquiescence of their slaves with money that isn’t theirs to give.
Stay-at-home and shutdown orders are a lot more tolerable when you get a check in the mail, or money deposited directly into your account.
And with Government handouts, like the Energize Colorado Gap Fund, or the Rural Jump-Start Program, you only get the money if you follow the government’s orders or adhere to their agenda.
For example, to be eligible for the Rural Jump-Start Program handout, your business must work with a “state institution of higher education.”
So only those supporting government indoctrination centers get the money.
Not only that, but political schemes that redistribute stolen money from workers to government approved entities are the hallmark of a centrally-planned economy.
The full extent of the economic destruction caused by these schemes is hard to measure.
But it is easy to understand that by treating a person like an animal, and destroying his livelihood, harm is caused to that individual.
It might be hard for Roberts, and other politicians to understand, but effectively, they are creating a gangster state.
A state in which the politically-connected feed like parasites off the working class.
A state where society is engineered to the ideals of the special interests who support and control the lawmakers.
A clown state where suffering is celebrated, where winners lose, and where losers win.
And that’s why Dylan Roberts is a CLOWN!

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