Category: Propaganda
Why does Colorado’s News Media Lean Left? Cory Gaines, political writer, explains!
Brandon Wark December 31, 2024
It might be obvious to you, but many Coloradans aren’t aware of the bias in our local news media. Sometimes, the bias can be obvious….
Denver Post’s Bias Exposed! C.C.C.P Report Vol. 2
Welcome to the second edition of Comrade Charlie’s Colorado Propaganda Report! (or CCCP Report for short) Comrade Charlie, a former authoritarian propagandist, is going to point out…
C.C.C.P. Report – Westword’s Bias Exposed
Brandon Wark September 10, 2020
Welcome to the premiere edition of Comrade Charlie’s Colorado Propaganda Report! (or CCCP for short) Comrade Charlie, a former authoritarian propagandist, is going to point…
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