Category: Economics Explained

EE is bad
0 1254
Posted in Economics Explained Tyranny

Prop. EE Will Criminalize Un-Taxed Vape Sales & Outlaw Low-Priced Tobacco

In a year where police violence is the reason for massive protests across Colorado, this message seems to be lost on all the Legislators who support Prop. EE

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Listening to the Gov't has destroyed Colorado's Economy
0 1836
Posted in Covid Economics Explained Jared Polis The Free Life Tyranny

Listening to the Gov’t is a BAD IDEA! (unless you want to destroy the economy, and ruin your health)

“Wear a mask!” “Don’t go to work!” “You are safer at home!” “Don’t get close to anyone!” If you have been unfortunate enough to watch…

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Jeffco Trail
0 667
Posted in Economics Explained

“Tragedy of the Commons” & “Subjective Value” Explained by CBS Denver

More Visitors Trampling Jeffco Trails “Too many people… are a big problem.” “Too many visitors… is causing damage to trails.” Friends, this is the problem…

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