Who’s Paying for Colorado’s Non-Profit News? Taxpayers & Dark Money Non-Profits Pay for Propaganda?

Where’s the money coming from?

That’s always an important question in politics… but it’s also an increasingly important question for Colorado’s news media organizations.

Cory Gaines explains in this video that many Colorado news organizations are moving to the non-profit model.

Since non-profits don’t report their donors, they’ve often been used as a money laundering vehicle for political purposes.

In this video, Brandon and Cory also discuss how taxpayers are funding biased news and how Coloradans can reach out to these organizations and journalists to let them know when they are reporting incorrect information.

Check out Cory’s Substack: https://coloradoaccountabilityproject.substack.com/

And follow his work at Complete Colorado: https://completecolorado.com/author/cory-gaines/

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Author: Brandon Wark

Colorado Native, world traveler. Political operative and blogger in defense of liberty. Believer in the value of human life and the potential for consciousness. My posts are my opinion - protected by the First Amendment

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