Weekly Roundup: Police Drones, Gun Carry Ban, Socialists in the Legislature & Farm Being Seized?

Howdy Colorado!

This is your Free State Colorado Weekly News Roundup for June 3rd, 2024.

Nearly every week I take a look at news stories, headlines and articles from across our great state.

Links to Articles:

Colorado governor signs law banning firearms in certain places. Here’s what’s covered.: https://www.greeleytribune.com/2024/06/02/colorado-gun-free-zone-law-jared-polis-schools-government/

EDITORIAL: TABOR can’t stop the socialist drift: https://gazette.com/denver-gazette/editorial-tabor-cant-stop-the-socialist-drift/article_a78f6634-1f7d-11ef-ba1f-e7c1e46acc28.html

Eminent domain, used often to seize land from private owners, has 95-year-old farm fearing for its survival: https://coloradosun.com/2024/05/31/eminent-domain-threatens-palizzi-farm/

Colorado voters face complicated options on property taxes in November: https://www.coloradopolitics.com/news/colorado-property-taxes-ballot-measures/article_b834e094-1d21-11ef-9aff-8f6c91c19c79.html

Proposed Denver slaughterhouse ban could cost Colorado economy up to $861 million, study shows: https://denvergazette.com/news/local/denver-slaughterhouse-ban-economic-impact/article_e4cedf6c-2125-11ef-a251-efbb5115c9ca.html

Police drones responding to 911 calls in Colorado? “This really is the future of law enforcement.”: https://www.denverpost.com/2024/05/26/colorado-police-drones-first-responders/

Auraria campus officials receive notice of possible litigation from Jewish students: https://denvergazette.com/news/jewish-students-file-intent-to-sue-auraria-campus/article_771b54f4-1f5f-11ef-bdab-af39fa783144.html

Crypto-Anarchy and the Cypherpunks with Josh from Liberty on the Rocks: https://www.meetup.com/liberty-on-the-rocks-denver/events/299903322/

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Author: Brandon Wark

Colorado Native, world traveler. Political operative and blogger in defense of liberty. Believer in the value of human life and the potential for consciousness. My posts are my opinion - protected by the First Amendment