A Liberty Game Plan for 2025

After the 2024 election, it’s important to take a breath, count our wins, and study our loses.

After an election, it’s not uncommon for people to take a step back and limit their involvement with local politics.

But, “eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”

So, if you want to get involved and help make Colorado a Free State, 2025 is a great time to make an impact.

Let’s take a look at some of the big opportunities for Liberty in 2025.

The 2025 Legislative Session

For 120 days, Colorado’s General Assembly meets to pass new laws that often restrict our liberty, take money out of our pockets and make life more difficult.

This year a new crop of legislators begin their tenure at the Capitol.

But the biggest change this year will be the loss of the Super-majority in the House for the Democrats! Republican candidates managed to flip three seats, ending the Democratic Super-majority.

This means that Republicans will be able to prevent suspension of the rules (which Democrats used to stifle dissent), prevent constitutional amendments from being referred to the voters, and have control over whether to override a veto by the Governor.

What you can do

The first step is to find out who represents your community in the State Legislature.

You can type in your address on the General Assembly website and find the Representative and Senator who represents your districts.

On the General Assembly website, you can track the bills and votes of these legislators to ensure they adhere to pro-liberty principles. And if they don’t, starting thinking about how they can be replaced!

Free State Colorado, along with the Libertarian Party of Colorado will help you track significant bills.

Every week, we will be hosting a weekly YouTube Livestream and Zoom Call to discuss legislation, committee hearings, and provide Coloradans with the information they need to have an influence at the State Legislature.

We’ve been hosting these Zoom calls for a few years now, and every year we make improvements. This year we will be getting frequent updates from current legislators and providing insider information you can use to make your voice heard.

We will be coordinating groups of individuals to testify on bills, reach out to legislators (call, email and in-person), and to get organized in key legislative districts.

It’s important for Pro-Liberty voices to be heard at the Legislature. Communicate with your Senator and Representative about the legislation they sponsor and make sure they know what you think about other bills that matter to you. It’s also important to keep track of the votes of Legislators so voters can be informed during the 2026 election cycle.

You can join us on the YouTube Livestream every week! (Turn on notifications for the channel to make it easier to find)

Subscribe to Free State Colorado on YouTube, and tune in 7:30 PM every Sunday night!

The 2025 Municipal Elections

Most Coloradans might not know there are important elections in 2025.

Most Colorado cities and towns will be electing new City Council members, Town Board Trustees and Mayors.

Here’s a look at the 11 largest cities in Colorado and the seats up in 2025:

Many of the other cities and towns across Colorado will also be holding elections in 2025.

Looking at the vote totals from previous mayoral elections, one can see the opportunity in some of these cities.

And because so few people pay attention in off-year elections, there is a big opportunity for a Pro-Liberty candidate to win.

Whether you want to run for office or you are willing to help a candidate on their campaign, you can make a big difference this year!

And if you have political aspirations, a city council position is a great place to start your journey.

If your city or town PROTECTED your rights against the State or criminals (or do I repeat myself), then you will be much better off!

Most of the problems facing our society are local issues. Crime, homelessness, property taxes, infringements on our right to self-defense. And if your local government refused to follow the State and instead stood up for the people in the community, liberty could thrive!

What you can do

Start by attending City Council Meetings. Learn who the City Council Members are, and understand the districts.

Talk to your City Council Member. Let them know that you are in their district and that you might decide to help them in future campaigns or oppose their re-election depending on how they vote.

One of the first things you might notice is that very few people attend City Council Meetings. You might even be the only one there!

After going to one City Council Meeting, you will be better informed than the majority of people in your community! You will hear about zoning changes, new businesses, community events and what the city is prioritizing.

Once you are familiar with the Council and the City Government, you can start planning which City Council Members need to be replaced with a better Pro-Liberty Member.

Learn what seats are up for election in 2025 and either consider running for office, support a pro-liberty candidate who is already running, or recruit someone to run!

Building Local Community

Community is an important part of life. Everyone has the need to belong.

Whether it’s running for office, organizing a ballot measure or pushing back against your City Council, you will need the help of others.

Building a network of liberty-minded Coloradans to help fight against the Authoritarianism of government is necessary to help create a Free State.

Community can also provide what you need to start living a more free life.

Farmer’s markets, community gardens, neighborhood garage sales, and local events add another level of value to life.

Just imagine how nice it would be to know local food producers that you could buy eggs, beef, vegetables and other food from!

And of course, getting to know your neighbors can be one of the most important things you do to create a local liberty community!

We’ve seen HOA’s City Councils, and County Governments create new restrictions and regulations on businesses, homeowners and citizens of those communities.

If you want to stop these encroachments on your rights, you are much better off if everyone in your political subdivision is on your side of the issue.

What you can do

You can find other Liberty-minded individuals at events across Colorado.

Start attending Liberty on the Rocks Meetups.

There is a Denver chapter (the original), Colorado Springs, and Northern Colorado (that I host twice a month. Follow Free State Colorado on X for details).

Liberty on the Rocks is a non-political meetup for people to discuss philosophy, technology, economics, current events and much more!

I’ve made great friends at Liberty on the Rocks Meetups over the years! It’s refreshing to be around people who have similar ideas!

You could also attend town hall meetings, political events, and City Council Meetings to find politically-minded people.

If you really want to build a political movement, you can buy the voter registration file from your County Clerk and find all the registered Libertarians, Republicans, Independents or Democrats in your neighborhood. With this information, you could build coalitions around specific issues that are important to you!

It’s also a good idea to use social media and “letters to the editor” to find individuals you agree with. Nextdoor and Facebook groups are also good places to post events and find like-minded individuals.

Getting Organized for 2026

In 2026, Colorado will vote on 11 state executive offices, including:

  • Governor & Lieutenant Governor
  • Attorney General
  • Secretary of State
  • Treasurer
  • 3 State Board of Education seats
  • 3 State Board of Regent seats

Additionally, all 65 State House seats, 18 State Senate seats, a US Senate and all 8 Congressional seats will be voted upon.

It’s going to be a big year for Colorado politics!

Although 2026 seems far away, it’s important for candidates to start building name recognition and getting involved in their community.

What you can do

Additionally, liberty-minded Coloradans could start promoting or encouraging candidates who are liberty-leaning and start raising opposition to the more authoritarian-leaning candidates.

What I’m going to say next might be upsetting to some of you reading this, but as of right now, this is how I see the 2026 elections playing out in Colorado:

I don’t think anyone except a Democrat can win a statewide race in Colorado in 2026. (The only exception could be someone like John Elway…)

That being said, I think it would be valuable for liberty-minded Coloradans to attempt to influence Democratic Party candidate selection. Specifically, attempt to influence the results of the 2026 Democratic Primary election.

If the winner of the Primary election is more pro-liberty than the alternative, then it would be movement in the right direction.

For red districts, it makes sense for liberty-minded Coloradans to run as Republicans and support pro-liberty candidates for office.

Start getting organized now if you want to have success in 2026.

If you want to know what seats are the most likely to flip or which ones are strongholds, I put together this spreadsheet of election results from 2022 and 2024: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jIUyhwRw95Nw8Ef5EvdS1Ht_oG8wqT6uSzLmtPSPvP4/edit

The Big Picture

Politics is important.

But it’s a short term game.

Every election something can change.

Taxes could be lowered one year and raised the next.

Laws are passed and laws are repealed.

So clearly, politics is not the answer to achieve Liberty in the long term.

That’s why Culture is so important. Tradition, values, ideas that are passed down for generations.

Get engaged with politics, but also make time to create a culture of liberty.

Take someone to the gun range. Start a book club. Host a meetup.

Pass along the ideals of a free society.

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Author: Brandon Wark

Colorado Native, world traveler. Political operative and blogger in defense of liberty. Believer in the value of human life and the potential for consciousness. My posts are my opinion - protected by the First Amendment